>But it turns out, the storm isn’t just coming… it’s already here.
You want him wearing a cheerleader's outfit and waving pompoms singing go anons, go?
Tom was chief electrical engineer at Advent Corporation, founded Apt Corporation, maker of the Apt/Holman preamplifier, and was at Lucasfilm Ltd for 15 years, winding up as the company's Corporate Technical Director and where he developed the THX Sound System and its companions the Theater Alignment Program, Home THX, and the THX Digital Mastering program.
Oh, they paid all right, but it wasn't money.
This happened on Feb 10.
Reports circulating in the Kremlin…
Would have been easier with the major networks pacified, but I guess they have to be destroyed as well.
And that's how you clean out the Judiciary.
Anon wonders if he'll make a miraculous recovery and then pass suddenly in May. (kept on ice like Bush)
You are a retard.
What did your post say?
Who was the meme aimed at?
Go back to reddit. You don't have the neurons to be here.