How about… pissposting?
There's the evil little faggot that's obsessed with everything I do. Poor little guy.
Yep. He's out to destroy board personalities. Called them "famefags." Called them board cancer. Says it's against the rules from another platform. Held up Q posts as rules for people to follow and to get certain anons to self-censor. And now he does what he said no one is allowed to do or supposed to do but it's fine for him to do it. Just an evil, little psychotic retard that's obsessed with copying the people that makes him feel like he's in second place, he's fighting for communistic equitable anonymity and behaving like a tranny in a way to do it.
Cry about it, you stupid cunt. Board tradition. I've been here since this board started, so don't try throwing that in my face. You're losing all control and no amount of acting like a little baby will change that, pissflap. Now fuck off.
Cry about it. "Boo hoo! Personality! You're supposed to play the game by trying to b e as incognito as possible and pretend that no one can recognize each other."
You see, I've come to the conclusion after behavior here that personality is fine when you're part of the little dick pic trading Discord channel club, but if your personality is not under their control then that's a threat to them, because someone might listen to someone else other than them and their little game they play with multiple devices and personas to give the illusion of agreement. And it especially becomes problematic for them when that personality not under their control calls out their illusion and fakery.