What if there is no bird flu?
Anon saw that on here. No bird flu in Mexico and none here in Brazil either;
Here, you can get them for about $1.50
>looks like this pope will avoid the rope!
You mean like Bush Snr;?
So many comms with him that anon called out his demise on the board 10 days before it was officially announced.
Methinks he did not go quietly.
Maybe the Pope will have a miraculous recovery and a sudden relapse in May.
Per dozen.
But it's not all sunshine and roses. Wages are at least one third that of the US and Gas is more expensive as are a lot of other things.
Here's one I made earlier.
Etymologically, faggot means a bundle, hence faggots were used for fires (witch burning, for example) and anon takes it as having a similar use here.
>I'm pretty sure they messaged that execution to his family on those cards give out at the funeral
Like this?
Damn, that's a mighty faggot.
> Jeb saw it and immediately reacted
Anon remembers and came to the same conclusion.
That note was just for the shits and giggles
Faggot, it's F&G, but hilarious.
Look closely.
It's been on the board since forever.
Try not to be such a newfag.
Leave the subject blank, faggot.
Price gouging.
I periodically rewatch this when I hear that faggot's name.
Try that shit on twatter or reddit. You might make it fly there. You forgot where you were.
From anon's perspective, one of the primary aspects of fucking is moving.
Out comes the gorefag at the end of bread.