Anonymous ID: cc4bf7 Feb. 22, 2025, 2:34 p.m. No.22635561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731

Now playing currently…


This is going to be made public when this is done just to let you know…


So this is going to be massive that these people are doing this they all know the movie. They all know why and what purpose or was made…


So then this how they plan to human traffic people.


Using God…


They keep telling me they are Gods and you must do as they say and that they also represent Donald Trump.


Or is just constant bs going on around me…


They try to set you up in business or anything else that they can… using old people, woman, and children as they described often older people as children or they use their own children as excuses for things. This is exploitation…


I had a guy ask for 950 dollars off on a project because people hide a file in the office to teach me a lesson. It is important because it is legal documentation and the consumer had the info on him when I collected. They run these skits and then say they are teaching you and how to do things but because they are older or woman or say some type thing about a child aka daughter or son. So on then these people go crazy so on believing that someone is spying on them and the situation. The idea is saying that if you do not give me the 950 dollars off then we will make you look bad and no one is going to believe you.


This where I have pictures and recordings of this going on this exact situation happening.


What was said is a son did this to his grandfather and mother it looked like and came out only after I came back because they filled out a check wrong. So then this when he came out and was acting like he was teaching me about checks and so on when I told him I already new what was going on and wha the rules are on it.


This is just one example os this going on to which he was a child of the corn but he was an adult.


So this is becoming a massive problem so on in everything going on these days.