Dear President Trump, Elon Musk and Q Team,
My family operates a small business. Because we have a strong political voice (strong MAGA from the beginning) we have been targeted on every social media account that we've promoted our business on. FOR YEARS.
We've been targeted through being severely shadowbanned and censored.
We've held on and have refused to let go of our American Dream even though we've barely floated it. Because of other personal problems, it has become harder.
I make an appeal to please force their hand and make them take the squeeze off my family so that we can breathe easier and make a living without their constant interference in trying to force us out of the game. They're so unfair.
There are thousands upon thousands of family businesses that are experiencing the same tragedy.
On behalf of my family and thousands of other Patriots experiencing this same radical cancelation of their online livelihood, I ask, "PLEASE HELP".
Thank you for all you are doing to fight for us, our children, our beautiful Nation.