Thank you, Anon.
I hope so, Anon.
Still working on a little project, checking our headlines and seeing what's up.
I'm looking forward to moar winning and am doing my best to help the team.
Hang in there Anon.
I bet everyone on this Board has been royally screwed over by [THEM], and it's been horrible.
You've been subjected to awful pressure, and I'm very sorry that it's taking a toll on your family and your faith in the American Dream.
I'm just a nobody Anon, but I do know that President Trump and his administration are putting [THEIR] system in a vice grip, like [THEY] never imagined, and tightening the lever more and more each day.
I also know that [THEY] have other major problems bubbling at the surface of real life, and soon everything that [THEY] have done to us will be exposed.
I will keep you and all of us in my prayers same as always.
I know [THEIR] time is short, because when people learn what was really going on, in this world, the public will immediately join our side and demand the return of the United States of America as the constitutional republic that our founders created for us.
Stay strong.
It won't be long.
We're all serving Christ, and we serve each other too, so stay strong.
Our side's going to demolish [THEM], I know it.