No matter how much shit gets thrown against the wall in here, always rememberโฆ
Who tf is Dewey?
Fuck off shill clown. I caught your reference. Yeah, I am a nephew of my good 'ol Uncle Sam, born on the fourth of July. Eat shit and die America hater.
I don't do facebook, never have. So can ya put in a good word for me, so I don't have to sit next to the current crop of corrupt shitheads?
What "people" would those be?
The funny thing is, I have been friends with many Filipinos. Nearly every single one has been one of the most honest people I have ever met. I'm sure that is not true for every singe one, but for the vast majority it seems to be true. Maybe that has changed over the years, dunno.
About what I figured.
Amen to that.
Whore who rides the beast shall be hated by the beast, and the beast will despoil her.
The Vatican is the whore. The EU/UN and the "global" economic political system is the beast.
Babylon was/is a corrupt religious system. And yes some Jews are involved, but they aren't alone by any means. God made Jesus a stumbling block AND a cornerstone.
You are such a twat. Are Jewish people the only ones that are corrupt? No. So shut the fuck up and go suck Hitlers dick some more. How many of you sick fucks escaped to South America via the Vatican ratlines? Eat shit and die.
KEK. You read my mind. I was thinking about posting a shill tactic summation about an hour ago. You are 100% correct. The shills are going nuts trying to find something, anything that will stick and they can then expand and use to cause division and misinformation.
The joke is on them however, the dye is cast, NCSWIC.
Perhaps shills make up lame excuses to divert from something that hits too close to home.
Would be nice if I could afford gold, but I can't. Oh well. I can be rich in other matters.
And pearly gates?
Well, thank you. That was a far better briefing than I expected. Nice and concise. I can't help wondering if angry inch is more pissed off about losing control of the chan or if he even really gives a damn about what it's become. He just wants what he considers, "his"? I think he's hitting a beehive with a stick and may get stung if he keeps his shit up.
So, he's a narcissist then.
No, I think angry inch is Brennan. He has a beef with Jim from what I can gather, mainly over control of the chan/s. Inch wrote the code apparently. If true, I gotta give the little bugger credit, but my pity for him has waned over the years because of his constant whining. I do still pity him in a way though, I suspect he was courted by the dark powers and showered with gifts and praise, that stroked his ego. He thinks he has "friends," but I suspect he has no clue that they probably laugh at him behind his back. People like him are easy to flip. Say a few nice things, pretend you are a friend, and voila, putty in your hand. Poor little blighter. He's so desperate for attention, he will take it from any quarter.
Oh yeah, forgot about the hotwheels moniker.
Ok, well that's my bad then. Forgot about wheels.
Didn't this latest pope say something about being the last pope some years ago? Or was that the one they stashed at the papal palace before installing this one?