The Cowardly Lion = Fearful Americans & Weak Politicians Who Are Now Finding Their Roar
The Cowardly Lion represents everyday Americans and most politicians in Washington who were too afraid to stand up against the system. They feared losing their jobs, their homes, their reputations…..afraid of cancel culture, of being blacklisted, of not being able to provide for their families.
• Just like the Lion, they had courage inside them all along, but fear kept them silent.
• Americans who knew something was wrong stayed quiet out of fear of being labeled, targeted, or ostracized.
• Politicians in Washington refused to take a stand because they were bought, blackmailed, or too scared to lose their power.
The Cowardly Lion Has Found Its Roar—And That Roar Is MAGA
• The fear is disappearing. The American people are rising up right now, finding their voices, and refusing to be silenced.
• MAGA is the roar……the movement of everyday people who are no longer afraid to stand up against the Cabal, the media, the corrupt politicians, and the rigged system.
• Just like in the movie, we are seeing people stand up boldly, exposing the truth, and refusing to bow to the illusion of power.
• The Wicked Witch is melting, and with it, the fear that kept Americans silent.
The Cowardly Lion’s journey is the same as America’s…..learning that we had the courage all along. And now, with MAGA as our roar, we are never going back to silence.
Scarecrow = The Strawman & The Deception of Legal Identity
• In legal terms, the “strawman” is a fake identity created through the birth certificate and social security system, tying every citizen into the corporate financial structure of the government.
• This paper identity (strawman) is separate from the real, living person….just like how the Scarecrow was made of straw but still had intelligence and real life inside him.
• The system makes people believe their value is tied to their corporate identity, debt, credit score, or degrees.
• Scarecrow is the symbol of breaking free from that lie…..realizing true intelligence isn’t given by institutions (degrees, credentials) but by thinking for oneself.
• Just like how the elites mock Americans as ignorant, the Scarecrow was ridiculed as brainless…..when in reality, he was wise the entire time.
Tin Man = TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) & The Dehumanization of the Workforce
• The Tin Man was once a real, living man, but over time, he was turned into a hollow, soulless machine.
• This represents how people were turned into nothing more than taxable entities, stripped of their humanity and reduced to numbers in a system through the TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number).
• The moment you get a TIN, you’re placed into the financial system as a worker drone……forced to labor, pay taxes, and feed the machine.
• The Cabal sees people as economic units, not individuals, just like how the Tin Man was mechanized and left without a heart.
• Corporate control, income taxes, and debt-based living turned Americans into mechanical slaves……soulless, overworked, and disconnected from real freedom.
• The only way he was able to feel again was by reclaiming his heart……just like how Americans need to break free from financial slavery and reclaim real independence.