it's okay but I want them to give us
back on military equipment that they
have they're selling
it Doug would you take that please all
right write something up no I want them
to give back if we're going to give them
that kind of money let them give back
the military equipment which they have
where they have tanks and trucks and
guns and goggles they have goggles they
have night goggles better than we have
brand new right out of the box it's
unbelievable so I want to do that and
want the uh if we're going to pay him I
want to get that equipment back okay
Doug can do it he's one of the guys he's
a business guy to himar he sitting there
saying how the hell did this ever happen
right can you believe it we give them
billions of dollars and we gave them our
military equipment just tremendous
numbers of billions of dollars worth of
milit billions and billions we have a
ceasefire in Gaza and we're joined today
by several survivors of the Captivity
under Hamas including
Noah aramani and Elana Gretsky
Gretsky wow look at that how beautiful
what a beautiful group of people wow
thank you very
much thank thank you very
much and you're sitting next to a great
guy Sebastian gka who's also now in the
administration from day one right
Sebastian he's been he's been a loyalist
from day one we love Sebastian thank you
very much Sebastian thank you everybody
that's very nice beautiful we're going
to make it work somehow you know doing
the best we can we started it should
have never happened that's the sad part
would have never happened if I were
president and I should have been if I
were president would have never happened
but it did so uh we're doing the best we
can with it thank you very much thank
you also with us are family members of
some individuals who are still hostages
and we will not rest until all of the
hostages have been returned back home
some of them are coming home in uh very
bad condition and some of them are
coming home only as bodies they're
they're dead we have a lot of them
coming home now they're dead and these
are largely young people young people
don't die young people are young people
they don't die like this but they're
dead and the parents come to me and they
say please sir could you get my son back
how old is he sir my son is dead it's
important just as important as if that
son were alive to get the body back it's
amazing actually amazing just as
thank you it's amazing though the the
parents these the the parents are strong
I mean look strong what does it strong
mean strong as their life is ruined it's
ruined I see the people but they come up
to me it's so important to get the body
back they know and some are are not sure
they're 80% sure he's dead or she's dead
but they have that little glimmer of
hope and I say let them have that hope
right let them have that hope but
getting the body back is just as
important as getting the son back
healthy or the daughter back healthy
it's amazing to see when I when I see
the level of intensity and love and uh
sorrow and tragedy as I said in my
inaugural address
2600 in the news
Trust Sessions!
finacially..probably worst ever
spiritually never moar sure and positive
physically could be better but 1000% moar 2016 and before
Confidence is Best Ive Ever Felt…Im at "I wish a Niggah Would" levels
monies incoming…couldnt have much with all the hits i had to take being Rabbity
yeah thats my pillows
“Her mother says she has high cheekbones,” Trump mockingly told a rally in Great Falls, Montana on July 5. “That's her only evidence.”
Scams are done with Doge
Cant doge DOGE
5 year programs
looks like a lot of monies going bye bye