false. it doenst confrim anything. we are on Qs timeline, NOT some paytriot q faggots who predicts bullshit
q never confimed when arrest will take place.
gtfo with that bullshit
false. it doenst confrim anything. we are on Qs timeline, NOT some paytriot q faggots who predicts bullshit
q never confimed when arrest will take place.
gtfo with that bullshit
its almost fucking spring/summer
did we forget the flu thrives in the heat of winter?
its so bogus that the flu pushed as the west gets warmer.
i hope we as a human speices raise hell and fight back against this attack on humanity and tell the deepstate to fuck off.
trust your body, take care of yourself. learn from covid, most ppl died on ventilators. dont let them do this to us again
pretty sure he has and knows EVERYTHING. dont get fooled into the media propaganda pushing false narrartives about ssi
you would be a fool to think there has been zero abuse of ssi by bad people.
just the other day at the store, i saw a fat fuck driving those scooters around only for the battery to die and the fat fuck to walk perfectly normal around the store and check out. bitch even parked in the handicap section.
im sure trump has a plan for those who are litteraly disabled. there is too much fraud in every sector of the usa
>>22637994Not only are there MANY questions about 16 million Americans with SSI 110+ or older receiving benefits (at 1,000 per month, equaling 200 billion in fraud a year and likely trillions in total fraud!) Further, the question is how many of these 16 million Americans 110+ years "voted" in our elections. My guess 100% for Democrats. It's time to blow the doors open on this multi-faceted scandal!
did you know thats not even the number of evil. its made up, you are being lied to about everything
>its always been compromised
> when q cumin back
why was that post deleted? i didnt see anything wrong with it
the more time goes on, and anons poiting out the censroship, the more i think there is some shaddy buinsess behind the scense goin on
maybe trump/q needs to clean 8kun before he comes back