the fastest way to have someone else raise your children….
spell bound and lab rats
breach asshole babies
truman 2.0 bunker
if only….kekekekekek
um… yup!
yup black market arms dealer, part-time speaker of the house…
she wolf of wall street
more distractions
goes with the tube of shine a dent for putting one's foot in mouth on CB/Ham
The collection of the data dump will prove this theory's undoing anon..
forfeiture of all ill gotten gains no matter where those gains be in the universe…
what ocurred as a result of the nuke scare in HI?
how many days was the space plane collecting?
who was interacting with strok/page on gaming comms?
it is the unseen that matters… the greatest sting ever militarily devised… God bless General Pershing and his vision of our days…
child fucker/cannibal, in full blown panic…/ Q+ / when will he dangle???