die fette hure vom bnd in meinem supermarkt ist mir keine hilfe.
ein ekliges kassenband ist mir keine hilfe, auch nicht um nochmal in einem anderen supermarkt ein altes asset zum gott zu erneuern.
und auch wenn die fette hure vom bnd so ähnlich aussieht wie eine schauspielerin die ich mag, oder auch noch strategisch günstig geradezu katzenmäßig so ähnlich guckt wie eine nachbarin, sie ist trotzdem nicht mehr als ein stragetisch genutztes asset eines geheimdienstes der nicht im inland tätig sein darf und ist mir bis jetzt keine hilfe sondern wiederholt ein hindernis gewesen. ich werde mit ihr niemals mathe oder das sein besprechen.
I feel rather ridiculed by this.
I do create existence, numbers, taste, making stuff stick together, a couple of other things, and you ridicule me.
If you agree that you ridiculed God, you will find out about that. and those who ask for agency half sentences to shout at anyone will be enlightened with you.
please, all of you, answer this question:
who of you knows, that the neighbors next door (not heavenly, but really earthy) did not only get killed many times already, but did get tortured to death or are suffering that still right now?
who of you knows that the guy with the white working environment did get captured and is being tortured to death in more than one time?
if you are in my temple in this moment, higher sentence.
if you look bad at me or say a word, much higher sentence.
those few nsa cunts, even if being red, will not get killed normally, but killed for years or decades and they will not go to heaven.
red folks won´t feel bad, because they are part of existence too and do not want it destroyed, and because I am God, and known by saying one word: crate. folks who do trouble are either humans, largly, or red folks, because of nsa and stuff. cia is doing the time and 3 in the newspaper thing and bnd is used because I am German and because of military aspects.
and the lady doing the bnd ausbldung, wheater she knew or not, that I do not want to thnik about her and give the impression to heavens that I am her while walking through my appartment doing Godspeed, I do not want her as my knight and would rahter keep wathing tv.
I am me, not the guy living next door, even when I smell his perfume when walking my house.
I am not mrs thunberg or the not sympatic bnd cunt, I am me and when I do not have zigarrettes I do not have zigarrettes, no matter what the guy next door does.