A gift to the Pope from The Green King of Ukraine.
Why is it censored?
A gift to the Pope from The Green King of Ukraine.
Why is it censored?
I meant, why is jesus censored in the image. the icon itself was censored which is weird.
its such a weird gift to give, with jesus cut out like that.
Only sexually broken women go to university. The university intensifies their monkey branching and gold dig. The university is therefore a whore-house with extra steps.
But jesus is loved in pretty much 99% of all religions. Even hindus say he is a reincarnation of a love-god. Why do this? It makes no sense. Why hate something so pure and kind?
>sperg gooks call in fake domd lhreats
>nobody cares
>life goes on as normal
How come japan has such a high trust society that they don't even believe when someone is calling in some threat?
>noooo donโt segregate yourselves
Group of "students" attack random chingchang man outside of Minnesota hotel
more fun that way
rate my assault whale
Now when its declined. What next?
Every homeschooled person I've ever met has probably been smarter than anyone that hasn't been homescholed.
Schools are basically idiotification camps now. The lowest 50IQ retard individual brings down the entire school to retardation level.
Schools should have IQ requirements or else they are fake and ghey.
OC. paint is king.
Yeah its a shame that ancient artifacts get ruined like this by sick people. I'm surprised nobody is talking about this gift given to the pope. Media is crickets as usual since its "off-narrative" most likely.
At this point, I don't think its worth it even for average white european people to go to school. The slang and jingoism used by the micro-brains seem to be way too toxic and most likely creates literal brainrot due habitual neural de-activation and cognitive retardation.
I bet that people that were homeschooled end up with less neural necrosis because of this and probably with bigger skulls in general as well.
If you pull out the main capital you will kill all the trust in 8kun and everybody will ditch this place. Be very careful how you handle this.
most more of the soyfag that says "Whats going on u guys!" as he curls the lips outward.
Has he had any new rages lately?
thanks you're right. It could look like an apache helicopter with those torpedo missiles attached to fins.
Maybe we should start designing more around assault whale engineering. Its srs bzns.
Can't we make Kash just get rid of all glowniggers from 8kun? that would be based.
(even foreign glowniggers). I bet he could track them down with all the FBI resources.
For the 2 german bros that still have the balls to post memes here and are still not arrested for shitposting.
i created a fake tinder profile of a nigga. I got so many matches. wtf
"Are you unhappy being a slave? Be an even harder slave!"
The redpill of most success gurus on youtube.
How come none of these ever advocate for violence? It's almost a pattern.
that feel when you think its an innocent whale, but it has a nuke-implant
don't people in some (real) jobs already do this on a daily basis? like cops doing briefing and so on?
It almost looks satanic now when jesus is cut out like that. It's like he is dead or something
imagine if someone just ignored doing that, forever. Imagine if someone just ignored hitch sheets and never did any reports. Would they keep the job?
just look for "zelensky gives pope gift icon". Its all over the news bro.
I can't believe the he had the nerve to do that. It's so insulting.
So you are saying, you don't support kings and queens? Is that it?
Damage control: Failed
bio-marine wars lets go mf's
don't forget the musical instrument Fagot
AOC keeps calling Elon a fool.
I wish other boards were active on this site too
Unfortunately the overton window of whats considered "legal" to own keeps getting more narrow. Soon it will be considered illegal to own a house and car.
>muh joos
>muh racism
thats even worse bro kek
he looks like he's about to swing