Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 5:10 a.m. No.22639162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9239


Proud Boy v Soyboy


Uh, why does Fanone have security detail?

The dyke in the back was a bit overkill. Calling for the removal of any security for this asshat. Talk about Govt Waste!! Nancy's watchdogs don't need security. They need defense attorneys.

Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 6:20 a.m. No.22639428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892



LA 5, Rotary Club Los Angeles.



In 1992, the Edward Edelman Children’s Court of Los Angeles was built with the intention that Los Angeles would have a courthouse “that was friendly and sensitive to the needs of abused and neglected children whose cases are heard in our juvenile dependency courts”(Judge Michael Nash, 2016).The Rotary Club of Los Angelesled a public-private partnership that was the first of its kind to build and furnish the courthouse, raising over the stated goal and was necessary.


When the project was complete, the excess funds were left in the custody ofLA5.The Clubleaders at the time created a separate endowment, that lives under the supervision of the Foundation. Later, Club leadership determined that the yield of those funds should be used to support the Children of the Court.


As a result, today,the Club’s Children’s Court Committeedistributes grants to children of the court for needs that cannot be addressed by their agents or foster families.


The Club has a long history of service in support of the Children of the Court - partnering with theCourt Administrationand other organizations such as theAlliance for Children’s Rights and the Department of Children and Family Services. National Adoption Day being a service project that represents this deep partnership.


The Children’s Court Committee oversees all gift acknowledgements, the grant distribution process, the request evaluation process, and the annual National Adoption Day service project.


In 2004-05 the Children’s Court Committee was reconstituted under the leadership of President Ben Tunnell. A generous legacy gift from Robert Gunzel, combined with funds previously designated for foster youth in Los Angeles, brought the fund to nearly $500,000. The mission of the newly formed Children’s Court Committee was to grant funding, up to $1,000 per child, for special needs for children who are wards of the court when no other funding is available. The Rotary Club of Los Angeles partnered with the Los Angeles County Department of Children Family Services and the Los Angeles County Dependency Court to find the most deserving applicants for these grants.


The Children's Court Committee has16 dedicated memberswho believe this is one of the most rewarding Rotary committees they have ever served on and feel blessed to be able to help these very needy young people.Morgan Stanley Smith Barney manages the moneyand distributes the checks to the individuals.


Akeystoneof support, the Rotary Club of Los Angeles Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose Articles of Incorporation were filed in the office of the California Secretary of State on September 24, 1993. It is the successor to a trust created by the Club in 1939.


Today, the Foundation boasts an endowment of over $10 million.


Foundation funds are essential to LA5’s service support, forming the financial base for improving lives through impactful service projects both locally and inLos Angeles as well as internationally.


The Legacy Circle

In July 2007, LA5 President Don Robinson inaugurated The Legacy Circle program to recognize the first 100 members of LA5 who name The Rotary Club of Los Angeles Foundation in their estate plan. This special recognition forever acknowledges these generous individuals as a Founding Benefactor of the Legacy Circle.


Contributions can be made anonymously or may be designated with a Legacy Circle symbol on the Rotary badge.


Bob Aldridge

Tom Anderson

Denise Anthony

Janet & Les Atchley

Nila Barkley

Steve Barnes

Mike Birkholm

David Bland

John Claerhout

Lew Coppersmith

Don Crocker

Eddie De Ochoa

Carolyn DeVinny

Carmen Estrada-Schaye

Jim Goerz

Cheryl Gurin

Mike Hainkel

Nancy Howard

Christina Hurn

Nancy Iredale

Art Kassel

Peter Lattey

Rita Lee

Marc Leeka

Jayne Major

Dave Meshulam

Stan Moe

Bruce Murdoch

Paul Netzel

Diane Netzel

Megan O'Rourke

William L. Plunkett

Roger Reck

Jay Richardson

Don Robinson

Al Shonk

Jared Smith

Paul St. John

Phil Swan

Dave Tomblin

Ben Tunnell

Gerry Turner

Kathy Turner

Steinar Tweiten

Penny von Kalinowski

Al Wheatman

Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 6:32 a.m. No.22639498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Catch 22.

Face value, looks good.



  1. Takes them away from their actual Jobs work, to write a list of accomplishments, that would in itself be evident in their work productivity log with their superiors.

  2. Create a backlog to whoever will be "reviewing" this LIST.


(Pretty sure the real reason this is being looked at, is that they ALREADY know, there are NPC's on Payroll.)

Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 6:42 a.m. No.22639572   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9662




You can't created a Problem, and Shut the Water off, then ask for Money for your Land Grab DEW attack.


Funds will be made available to the People who were directly harmed. NOT TO YOU, NEWSCUM

Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 6:46 a.m. No.22639594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9608


Yes, the Board Oversight committee, comprised of the same Swamp Creatures, they're supposed to be investigating.


Wolf watching the Wolves.

Same with DRE. File a complaint, to be heard by other Realtors.


How many Organizations are set up like this.

Criminals watching out for other Criminals.

Conflicts of Interest.


Courts and their Cohorts.

Basically any State Org you complain to, is part of that same Swamp.


Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 7:15 a.m. No.22639816   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The perps disappear from public view,


Nice Trips though.


Public won't learn, unless they're shown.

Why is Tom Hanks STILL in Public view?

Making Movies, being the "Voice" or Narrator?


No name




Bin Ladin




On and on and on.

Anonymous ID: 6c1380 Feb. 23, 2025, 7:25 a.m. No.22639892   🗄️.is 🔗kun






DCFS "Children's COURT" Los Angeles is ONE SUCH DEFUCTO COURT.


> defacto corporate courts

Yes,the Edmund D. Edelman Children's Court in Monterey Park, California is a defacto courtthat handles juvenile dependency cases in Los Angeles County. It's also known as the Juvenile Dependency Court.