Anonymous ID: 06a2f1 Feb. 23, 2025, 9:36 a.m. No.22640776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0778


Elon Musk aka DOGE in partnership with the Health Czar RFK jr., is pondering the promotion of a Cannabis and Small Farm Act that they would like to see Trump pass EO's concerning and then The Act made into Law in 2025.

The details of the Cannabis and Small Farm Act are murky but here is a rough draft submitted to us from an anonymous source:


The following is a list of NEEDS which seem essential in order for this Act, and the U.S. CITIZENS who wish to participate, to be successful:

1: The Federal Rescheduling of Cannabis for the benefit of not only The Cottage Cannabis and Small Farm Industry but also to free and further the research and development of the science of Cannabis as Medicine and perhaps much more.

Reschedule to Level 3 or lower.


2: Establish A National Wholesale Board who are tasked in the creation of a national system that all Small and Medium sized Operators can easily access and participate in regardless of the size and scope of their growing operation.

Create an Agency or Repurpose an existing yet outdated Agency such as outdated IRS infrastructure and manpower for this task.

Create a National Wholesale System which facilitates the cheap and easy yet accurate pricing guidelines, testing, grading, transport, sale and payment of all Cannabis and other Produce and Products submitted to the national wholesale system with little to no fee's, to be subsidized by the U.S. Government until the system ultimately becomes self sufficient and/or funded via Consumption tax or tariff.


3: A National Farmer/Grower Exemption making the Growing of Cannabis for the National Wholesale system Legal in all U.S. States based upon the Logic that no State currently has the Right to suddenly make the growing of Corn or Soybean Illegal so why should States be allowed to restrict the Growing of Cannabis for the National Market?

States are currently free to restrict the sale and consumption among their citizens and even this is seen as a Crime by many of their own citizens.


4: Restrictions and Tariffs on all Imported Produce and Products including Cannabis, albeit with initial limitations depending on how well the Domestic market is being served, shall be implemented and closely monitored to ensure the success of U.S. FARMERS.

Ensuring that Domestic Produce including Cannabis should always be the first choice for Domestic producers and distributors is the Goal.


5: Instruct all applicable branches of Government to in no way hinder and to eagerly assist in the facilitation of this Industry by providing Agriculture Grants to low and medium income Citizens.

All the CITIZENS will need is the will to participate. No liens, bankruptcies, past business failures, Job history, Medical condition, Income, Collateral or other traditional Banking and Finance Hindrance and Restriction will apply.

Make these Farm grants available to All U.S. citizens with few exceptions as the writer can think of little reason to exempt any citizen from this process especially considering what we are now learning concerning USAID and other unsavory institutions. While those institutions served to hold U.S. citizens down the Cannabis Industry can be used to help American's rise back up again and to help Leave no Citizen behind.

Anonymous ID: 06a2f1 Feb. 23, 2025, 9:36 a.m. No.22640778   🗄️.is 🔗kun



7: Prepare the U.S. Government to receive and wisely spend the Consumption Tax Windfall that Cannabis has already proven to be in every state so far willing to Legalize and regulate the sale and consumption of Cannabis.


8: Force the wealthiest industries which most heavily participated in the suppression of Cannabis to reimburse the U.S. Government and thereby pay for and foster the well being of this Cottage Industry.

EVERYONE from the news media to the chemical industry to the prison industry and many many more participated in the suppression of the benefits of not only CANNABIS but even the Act of thinking for yourself.

All involved shall now pay back for the harm they caused.


9: Guidelines on Financing: up to $300,000 Homestead Grants up to $100,000 Farm Grants Other future grant and loan programs based upon performance and need.

The homestead grant alone will create a building boom and the farm grants will create a robust locally grown food industry that is much more efficient and healthy for U.S. CITIZENS.

To prevent fraud and waste, Grants should be distributed in segments based upon the completion of certain tasks proven to show that the guidelines are being met, property purchased, ground broken, crops planted etc etc.


  1. Every applicable benefit currently being realized by BIG FARM, BIG WHOLESALE and BIG RETAIL will now also be available to Operators involved in this Act.


  1. Slowly but surely remove and/or severely limit the presence of BIG CANNABIS from the Cannabis Market unless BIG CANNABIS includes Operators of this act in the sourcing and production of their products and BIG CANNABIS does not hinder the operations of medium and smaller sized operators. No more Monopoly games.

Most current Big Cannabis operations ware setup based upon criteria that was often times extremely strict with overbearing entry fee's and plenty of room for corruption.

This Act will end most of the smuggling and other corruption as it simply will not be worth it to attempt to circumvent this system by breaking the Law.


This Act will begin to Remedy and Heal the U.S. CITIZENS who were harmed by the careless and callous actions of BAD GOVERNMENT and BAD INDUSTRY.

Any Monies needed to begin and develop this Act will come from the same GOVERNMENT and INDUSTRY who for so long profited from the Abuse of the Rights of the U.S.CITIZENS.

This Act will apply to all products sourced and/or produced from the Cottage and Small Farm Industry including but not limited to Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Spices, Flowers, Seeds, Concentrates et al.