Wonder if Nancy topped 300 Mil yet?
>the government email
>is a simple pulse check
Kash want to take his FBI peep's pulses himself?
>This Angel is gonna save us from the brain chip guy.
Kash is taking the reins of the FBI and possibly the ATF.
He gives off the vibe of someone who takes his position very seriously.
Gonna be interesting.
>Paint faster
>DOGE is almost here
Maybe Elon should have a poll and ask if the people think Fort Knox has the gold before he goes there?
>Kash said day 1 but now we learn it's sitting on the blonde bimbo's desk.
It wouldn't take much to restore confidence in the FBI after Comey, McCabe and Wray.
They set the bar low.
>So where will Joy Reid take her big black ass now?
Joy projected venomous hate on her show wearing white people wigs.
Was that her evil way of getting people to associate hate and whites?
>Germany will never change
Germany should stick to being an industry leader in manufacturing and stay away from politics.
The last century proved they really suck at the latter.