People have also picked up the terrible habit of tailgating far too close. If you don't like being behind the car in front of you, you could have left your house ten seconds earlier. Eh?
> tailgating moran
When i grew up and started driving in the midwest 40 years ago, tailgating was VERY rare, and if so it was perceived as particularly personal. It could get a person shot at. It was just not done, no matter how anxious or late to work a person was. Slow farm trucks and tractors were respected and accommodated.
Now, anon lives too close to the swampgas fog of DC… tailgating is completely ubiquitous even on winding and blind country roads, especially as i still hold back three or even four seconds behind the BMW ahead of me, as the Range Rovers behind me seem even MORE upset. My sense is that they are mostly Government Employees (who picked up old farmland with their overpayed Employment check) with over-inflated self-worth, self-importance, and entitlement and now want all of the Farm Use off the road. The irony is thick. They drive crazy. The mains like 95, 66, 50 and 495 feel like Mad Max insanity 5 feet bumper to bumper at 70 and 80 mph.
"Morans", as you say.
It was kinda nice at the height of Covidia, when the roads were practically empty. Felt like i was a kid again.
stolted dat