When VaticanClown thanks the baker that's usually a pretty big tell. Combined with the previous title used and the content of the bread announcement, I think I know who's been baking these past couple breads.
"But he was just supposed to be a shallow normie with a simple gimmick like we use. Why does he keep finding new stuff? Why does he keep creating new stuff? It's not fair. He does with second nature what we have to work and study at. He makes it look easy when we have to work hard at it."
That's because I love the country more than the shills love themselves. Being genuine and sincere really does make a difference. I suspect that's why I only need one ID with no forced visibility or compelled listening while they need countless ID's and personas, using forced visibility and compelled listening. Kind of really does parallel Monsters, Inc. in a way. One drop of genuine and sincerity fuels more than their the entire cylinders of fake and deception they rely on. And now they're consumed with trying to make their fake look genuine when everyone can already tell. Should have held onto the banhammer and mimicry ammunition until now, but you retarded dipshits went and blew your ammo early.
Well, they were right about one thing, it wasn't what I expected. I expected a challenge, not tantrums and imitation. I expected adults, not children.
KEK. And I swear it's like they monitor what I do outside of here to anticipate what I may buy next and then snatch it all up everywhere so I can't get what I wanted to purchase. Probably imagining it, but over the past 6 months when it comes to making purchases around my hobbies and interests it sure seems like that.
I mean, every third party retailer on the internet and the manufacturer too? Only what I intended to buy? Come on. I know a thing or two about coincidences from this place. Saw a thing or two over the course of the past couple years too. It's amazing how often you can walk by someone, not paying any attention to them, and then moments later stop and think to yourself, "Was that? Nah, couldn't have been." But the more you dwell on it trying to remembers details of face and whatnotโฆ
Not exactly. Can't buy something, big deal, however it does highlight the fact of the lengths they are willing to go to, doesn't it? They consider me worthy of destruction and torment.
That is, if I'm not imagining it. The fact that things I want to buy dry up everywhere on the internet all the way up to the manufacturer right before I intend to buy them could be an actual coincidence. Maybe I'll stop using "wishlists" on sites in the meantime.
I think my favorite IRL fuckery that's been occurring lately has been the people that seem to run a light when I'm going through a crosswalk and if I wasn't paying attention and pulled back they would have ran me down in the street, because they never slowed or even gave an indication that they saw me.
>People try to brake check me all the time now.
Probably all that red text you're huffing, not to mention pretending to be things other than yourself. Or maybe they were justโฆ telling you how your driving was without you having to ask like when posting a bun.
They just keep getting weaker, no matter what they do. Poor bastards. They sure chose poorly. Paid posting cowards that are taking it outside of the board now. By all means, expose yourselves further.