Anonymous ID: ac6ec9 Feb. 23, 2025, 8:31 a.m. No.22640363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today in Q Post History we have 11 Deltas

February 23

There were11 Q Postson the date ofFebruary 23.



Keep up the lawful fight, fight, fight, and I will, too!


Anonymous ID: ac6ec9 Feb. 23, 2025, 9:32 a.m. No.22640750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0757 >>0811



>Just because they visited the Island, doesn't mean they committed a crime.

I disagree. That's like saying, "just because they visited the place where kidnapped children are trapped, where child rape, child torture, child murder, and Satanic sacrifices took place, that doesn't mean they committed a crime."

That's wrong because, remember, everyone in the crime syndicate who traveled to Epstein Island was also allowed to leave, meaning they were trusted by the scumbags running operations on Epstein Island to not squeal about what went on there.

The Epstein Crew was very protective of their little torture island, and there's no way they would allow anyone who wasn't already cleared, for being a trustworthy willful participant in the types of crimes that took place there, to ever make it to the island.

In the past I, too, have done legitimate business with people that have later been charged with crimes unrelated to what I've been involved with.

I had no idea I was dealing with criminals.

One of my favorite pals from the gym turned out to be a horrible criminal, and I had no idea.

But guess what my gym pal and the other criminals with whom I unknowingly associated did not do?

They didn't invite me into their crimes. They didn't invite me to their club houses, or to their own "islands" (not that they had islands, but I mean they didn't invite me to the scenes of their crimes).

They knew I'm a law-abiding citizen who would never agree to participate in the crimes they were committing.

So to me, the fact that anyone was invited to Epstein Island, traveled to Epstein Island, and then returned from Epstein Island while always keeping their mouths shut signifies that those on the island had already made it past the screening process.

They were already "approved" to go to Epstein Island and, um, indulge.

That's a far cry from just being associated, through legitimate business transactions, with people who were committing crimes on Epstein Island, the hub of the operation, the place where all the bad stuff took place.

Nope, the only ones who were cleared to go to Epstein Island were willful and knowing participants in the Epstein Island crimes, all of whom were apparently deemed "safe" to travel to Epstein Island, participate in egregious criminal conduct, and keep their traps shut when they left.

They should all be subjected to the death penalty once they are indicted, arrested, and prosecuted.