I'm calling bullshit on this vid.
What we're observing is dehydrated novocaine crystalline structure
being rehydrated with water and dissolving.
The nicotine content is superfluous.
I'm calling bullshit on this vid.
What we're observing is dehydrated novocaine crystalline structure
being rehydrated with water and dissolving.
The nicotine content is superfluous.
Please sauce the factual evidence in the video.
No evidence is provided of a nanotech structure.
Common sense tells us that substances like cocaine and novocaine the medical equivalent,
have a crystal structure when dry.
There is zero evidence that the crystals observed in the vid are nanotech.
It's not nanotech being destroyed, its crystals dissolving in liquid. Which is why they seem to disappear.
A little bit of knowledge and common sense is my sauce.