He did
Hey, Ask Mitch who will back in their offices Monday
Germans are about tired of being blamed for shit that happened 80 years ago.
Everytime Germany wants to do their own thiing their own way Europe is "OMG OMG OMG the nazis are coming back! They're trying to go nazi again!"
which is how Brussels has been using Germany as an ATM machine for years to prop up Greece, Spain, and Portugal as they slide down the tubes
The "Social Democrats" are rebranded commies from East Germany with some useful idiots added. Flip it and see "Democratic Socialists"
No, the Administration of the VA facilities that had fun getting bonuses for saving money by turning vets away, and meanwhile doing claims for illegal aliens, need to go
Some fistfucks that are on the actual Medical Staff that don't expend any effort can go too but for the most part the ones doing the actual treatments are good people
Reparations Equal Repatriations
Union Descendants get a percentage off the top (before dem taxes)
>Be sure and tune in daily!
Damn Skippy, all the stuff going on and then the Epstein List starts coming out and these breads are going to fly!
Is that the guy from Project Cassandra?
Seethe more
That "little black book" didn't go very far
A list right from Bondi's office is the genuine article
>and Trump praises this outcome
He sure has a way of getting the spotlight on things, doesn't he?
See the little tool bar at the top?
Plus sign new board, recycle symbol to claim one that's gone fallow
Shades of the Krupp Family
That's cute, who's "Health Ministry" is reporting 1,400?
Robert Kennedy Jr. is the guy you want to reach
Same playbook:
Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails
Attack BO, when that fails
Attack BVs, when that fails
Attack Bakers, when that fails
Attack anons in general, when that fails
Attack specific anon, when that fails
Back to top
around and around and around
Yes, and amazingly enough all but one of the aircraft was made by Boeing
I'm guessing the ones from Merkel's home town and vicinity?
Approval of a new board comes from Site Admin, not QR
You fail again Mitch
You think your board will last longer than your bread on /hover/?
Was Hunter Biden onboard?
You are a twatwaffle, and wrong again
They cannot bury what anons have archived offline
Side-by-sides are devastating to msm credibility
Bloomberg spins, Reuters may flat out lie and it is all captured
Culling millions of chickens because of "bird flu" did it. Did you catch the post last bread or so that showed how Mexico has plenty of eggs? about $2USD a dozen iirc
Hold on to this for later
Yeah Mitch, I also remember when anons would nominate but lately not so much