Ok .. I’m listening..
Ok .. still listening..
Dude says same person funding Zelenskyy gave Hunter Biden around $50k/month
I’m still listening
Says the same guy who manufactured Zelenskyy owns BURISMA
As long as they don’t leave a dead fish on your hood, you’re prolly good. Don’t let anyone near your dog.
May you burn in hell to, then.
You’re prolly human, and if you’re not, then you’re a bot, none of which are singular. If you are an Anon with good intentions, then that’s what I mean with “one of us.” Say whatever you want but you are one of something.
There’s a book called The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
A woman is hired by companies that are sinking n she turns em around. She gets the employees rowing in the same direction. One of the things they do is clean house of all who aren’t willing to row with the team. Another thing they do is accountability for their work. Like this elon 5 bullet point thing.
It’s ackchyually a very good book.