Tell your "aunt" to quit eating those shrooms.
Stop. Look. Listen. Smell.
What do you see? Hear? Smell?
The same clowns trying to run everyone else's lives while they sit on top of the heap. It's the same old story just dressed up a bit differently.
Ruling class vs peasants. Notice, ONLY two classes. WE the people are in charge. Not some corrupt wannnabe ruling elites.
Kerplunk! KEK.
How bout dis? Back when shit was actually fun.
Yup. Played with that thing quite a bit. Discovered at some point, that the goop would dissolve the styrofoam that everything was packaged in.
Ya know, the definition of insanity is doing the same shit over and over again and expecting different results.
We used to make those using liver lids before they came out with the shrinky dinks. You would go to the butcher and ask for a few liver lids.