"At this point, any arrest will shock the world".
Lol, It happened like two years ago, all the planets were in 'conjunction' lined straight up when we entered the "Age of Aquarius". I could view w/a cell app but not from my perspective where I lived on the planet.
Sure about that?
Might want to get a quality bible, older the better, St. Thomas Aquinas translation is considered the "Gold Standard" whereas "King James" is a 'no-no' hence why it's so 'pushed' by the general public. Ignore the footnotes and just read the words as written. This goes for the Israel nonsense, people do mental gymnastics to pull fantasy out of their ass.
"Christ did not explicitly command people not to worship him, but he did emphasize that worship should be directed to God the Father. For instance, in John 4:22-24, Jesus states that true worshipers must worship the Father in spirit and truth.
Additionally, when people attempted to worship him, he sometimes redirected their focus to God, as seen in Acts 10:25-26 where Peter, an apostle, corrects Cornelius for attempting to worship him."