At 27:25, Bill Maher leans-in and says the word "P3dophilia."
At 12:15, Henry Winkler (the Fonze) tells Bill Maher he should have people over to his "fun-room" and Bill Maher responds "I do, well, before WE BUILT THE CAMERAS INTO THE WALLS, so we could do this (show)."
At 4:15, KATHY GRIFFIN who held up a decapitated head of President Donald J. Trump, says regarding COMET PIZZA and PIZZAGATE, "Did you know the Q's have been going for poor SETH GREEN?"
"To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle', not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle' Adam Schiff. Low ratings @CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!" - President Donald J. Trump, 9-27-19
"Finally, Liddle' Adam Schiff, the leakin' monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!" - President Donald J. Trump, 2-18-18
BREAKING- Gen. CQ Brown, who was just fired by President Trump & @PeteHegseth was the wokest Joint Chiefs chairman in American history. He repeatedly preached and practiced racial discrimination..jpeg
1/ On June 5, 2020, General Brown said: "I'm thinking about how I can make improvements, personally, professional, and institutionally, so that all Airmen, both today and
tomorrow, appreciate the value of diversity.”
2/ PBS reported on July 28, 2021, that Gen. Brown had "diversifying" the Air
Force as one of his top priorities as Air Force chief of staff.
3/ In that same PBS broadcast, Gen. Brown stated that “the beauty of” George Floyd’s death was that it forced the Air Force to take a “hard look at ourselves” and that that the military needs to break up the “white boys club” and that the military needs to make sure that the military has a “diverse set of candidates.”
4/ Gen. Brown then advocated for checking the social media posts of
potential Air Force recruits for "extremist tendencies."
5/ In a February 11, 2021, People Magazine interview, he stated that “we’ve got to closely manage our diverse populations…to make sure their development and opportunities aren’t happening by luck.”
He stated further that the Air Force needs to “tweak the screening process, so it’s not so reliant upon a paper test” when considering recruitment and promotion opportunities.
6/ In an interview with the Washington Post posted to YouTube on January 25, 2021, General Brown stated that:
"We gotta actually nudge and pull and actually purposely manage to ensure that we have diverse candidates" for leadership positions.
7/ Defense One reported in 2022 that Gen. Brown "leads a monthly inclusion council that’s become a place to 'ask some really hard questions.'”
Not only that, Gen. Brown is proud that he capped credits for flight experience in admissions for the express purpose of admitting more non-white pilots.
8/ In an interview with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in November 2020, General Brown flatly said:
“I hire for diversity” and that “I purposely build my office, my front office, and my team with diverse” backgrounds.
9/ Gen. Brown explicitly praises DEI, and states that:
"You can't let it just be happenstance that brings in diversity," and that the military should "identify diverse candidates and ensure that we are grooming them for opportunities."