Please excuse our shills they are as gay as super dense Jade East smells.
John Stuart Mill is a liberal.
This BBC host is a liberal
Therefore liberals rape dawgs, QED
Trans lation: "GTFO shills"
Every shill knows and fears the day that the butt wookies will come for them.
There are no reptilians. Is that clear? None what sssso ever.
Executive chefs spout the black bean sauce right before they roll and die.
"My penis was struck by lighting!"
Media Matters CEO comes clean about why his hair stands straight up
You must shill harder to compete with Irawaddy bitch farmers.
Demonic Ethiopean djinn coffin diner hits the ballpark.
NPCs don't notice.
Martha's Vineyard 3 am. Artist unknown.
Confucian exam instruction: "Write down everything you know. "
The great ones leave that page blank.
Black chefs lives matter.