This shit is fake AF. It's all a simulation. There are no coincidences. You are watching a movie. It all makes perfect sense once you realize it's all fake. (YOU) are fake. All anons are fake. The board is fake. BO is fake. The whole fucking world is all fake. I just want to know if I am manifesting all this shit in my head or is it a data stream I am reacting to. Does not good to ask anons though. Because you are all fake. Fake, fake fake. Fakedy fakedy fake fake fake. Even if you filter me, your filter is fake. Even when you ignore me, your ignoance is fake. Fakedy fakedy FAKE FAKE FAKE..
Fake red letters. Fakedy fake fake fake.
Wray is fake. FBI is fake. Q and Q+ is fake. Fakedy fake fake fake fake fake
I created that toad in the headlines meme years ago. But muh memory is fake. Everything is fake.
Filters are FAKE
Filters are FAKE
Food is fake
News if fake
History is fake
Left/right paradigm, yup. Fake.
Academia is fake.
Money is fake
The world if fake. You are watching a movie. A fake movie. A fake movie in my head. No way to get it out.
Just think. With all that's going on in the world, anons are shitposting BULLSHIT. It's not just unlikely, it's fake.
Legacies are fake. Fake as hell. Just like you. You are a pest to me? How likely would it be in a real world that you would pester me with a reply accusing me of being a pest. Zero. You are fake. All in muh head.
When do birds sing?= FAKE
Fakedy fakedy fake fake fake
FAKE FAKE fakedy fake.
8 year psyop=co-op the slaves. Tyranny of a new flavor.
Patriot=Government agent.
Patriot=Boot Licker
FAKE patriots are the enemy of the American people.
So simple, yet impossible for the NPCs to talk about, much less stand for.
The evidence of the fake universe is overwhelming.
Let's talk politics. Let's talk religion. It's all FAKE.
Truth=Go to the hospital
You're watching a movie.
Trust humanity
Humans are natural born slaves. Sheep. Sheep need a shepherd.
Hi Q
The gig is up.
Fake universe.
Monkeys belong in cages.
Red letters are FAKE
Ignore the "pest"
Filter the "shill"
Trust the plan.
Slaves will never know what REALLY happened. Truth will put you in the hospital.99%
Individual manifestation?
Fake universe.
Consciousness fake? Datastream? Free will? Mulligans?
When do birds sing?
Mockingbirds are fake.
Filters are fake.
Loneliness is slavery.
Civilization is slavery.
Reality is FAKE
Spacetime is doomed
"They" have an underground base a mile high.
Delta Echo November
Eyes wide shut.
Shills whine.
QR under constant, sustained bombardment.
Misinformation is necessary.
Special place for GS.
Fake. .
Federal courts=FAKE
DJT=Fake felon
No interest in truth. Go to hospital. Make you eat medicine.
Monkeys are pests.
Monkeys belong in cages.
Anons are not safe.
Justice system corrupt.
Q will return.
When it's safe.
Unsafe now.
Spacetime is doomed.
Follow the black rabbit.
Do not reply to reply. Psyop.
MooJoo=Fake Nazi.
FAKE FAKE fakedy fake.
Humans cannot handle the truth. Reality is plastic.
Loneliness=Psychological torture. Satanic. 22 veterans take their own lives each day. Tech=Loneliness. Seclusion=psyop. Prisons are Satanic. Division=Let us go down and confound their language. Demiurge. Jesus stood against the Demiurge. Jesus was brutally murdered. Blood atonement is Satanic.
Compassion lever=Zero
Bloodlust/revenge level=Extreme.
No mercy
Suicide weekend.
You hear me yet?
Think mirror.
Am I misunderstood? Or are you all FAKE?
You have more than you know.
Ok, let's try another approach,
Take a breath
Take another breath.
Now close your eyes and imagine god.
What do you Invision?
Pardons=Scot Free
Filters are FAKE
Well, you cannot say I did not try. o7.
"They Live"
"Qanon" stays in the news.
Why? Q hasn't posted in two or three years. Yet "Qanon" stays in the news cycle.
Explain this phenomenon
Last chance for anons to participate in actual research. .