1) Stole money from US taxpayers to subsidize Tesla as the elites insurance policy (confirmed by Q)
2) Wore a demonic outfit looking like the antichrist
3) Wore a black MAGA hat
4) Had his Son, named after a letter, insult the president by saying "you shush your mouth, you're not the real president. You're not supposed to be here"
5) Wrote this list
That about does it
Dear fucking God, frens, I've had to shit nonstop all morn'n. Had a pomegranate last night just before bed, then mixed that with a concoction of coffee and antioxidant smoothie this morn'n. Not recommended. Not one bit. PRAY for me, as I'm heading back in for round four.
Sometimes I light a match
Sometimes I just like to appreciate the sheer olfactory punishment I managed to create