It may be hard to believe but most cancer is caused by the same toxic dust used on 911, the workers compensation inoculation shots, sprayed on us during Covid, and put into the vaccines. They have been using radiation in conjunction as a catalyst to not only speed the processes up of colonization but found out that radiation can destroy flora causing diabetes, radiate unchelated nano particulates of aluminum and barium that lodge in the kidneys from chemtrails, and to deteriorate muscles in the bladder and lower digestive tract which is why seniors tend to get all these symptoms. And the reason why it hasn't been discovered for the most part, is because people see, hear, feel, smell, or think something, and almost always assume their observations are correct and disregard other factors in their equations. It is called OSPF, open shortest path first, and that is how they think and act almost always. They do this in almost every aspect of their lives, out of least amount of effort or ego, and they do not ask. Protect your DNA.