Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:12 p.m. No.22651319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1330 >>1482 >>1557 >>1624 >>1885


>Nevertheless, neither the ability of MB treatment to alleviate the symptoms of EAE nor the mechanism underlying its effects has been explored.



= no obscene profits for big pharma


i know this will trigger the "socialism" tards

but this is exactly why medical research NEEDS to be publically funded

then all new drugs become generic as soon as they're approved

drug companies can then COMPETE to see who can produce them at the lowest cost

at their core, medical research and for-profit business are fundamentally incompatible

when that marriage is allowed, the best interests of the public become the sacrificial lamb

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:21 p.m. No.22651341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346 >>1358


>Most men are…

did a man ever drag your ass to the cosmetics counter and force you to buy make-up?

does a man dress you like a $2 whore each morning and force you out of the house that way?

yer empowered victim insecure narcissist attention whore bullshit don't play here, sweet cheeks

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:33 p.m. No.22651373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1391


predictable deflection

i noticed you avoided any direct answers to the questions

how much skin do you show at work?

collars right up to the neck?

sleeves at least to the elbows?

loose fitting garments that don't accentuate your figure?

skirts/dresses below the knees?

how thick is the war paint?

how many hours a day do you spend looking in a mirror or taking selfies?

does that seem like an emotionally healthy, rationally sound, spiritually mature use of time?

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:40 p.m. No.22651398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1436


>You think women want to make themselves attractive

makeup is NOT attractive, it's repulsive

neither is showing a lot of skin, it's disgusting

>because they want to be treated like a whore

because they feel the need to compete with OTHER FEMALES

>because they want to be treated like a lady?

make up your mind, once and for all, do you want to be treated like a lady, or like AN EQUAL?

>How many times have you been divorced?


married once, happily, going on 37yrs of mutual respect

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:49 p.m. No.22651452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1472 >>1487


>lol absolutely none….

>sweatshirts….no skirts..

>never look in the mirror

ok… starting to respect you a little

>lol you sound like you have a controlling problem.

your imagination… i have zero interest in controlling anyone but myself

>no man could or will ever tell me how to dress.

i didn't… YOU'RE the one being defensive now

respect starting to diminish

>u either accept me for me or u don't simple as that.

two way street

>all girls like to do their hair and makeup and get dressed up.

and therein lies the problem i was describing


then bitch when men treat them as such

>(altho rare for me) i like it once n awhile. don't need some guy coming up to me trying to get into my pants.

sounds like you might

>is why i wear a ring to keep them away in hopes it works.

your personality is prolly all you need

a "bag over the head" isn't to hide an ugly face

it's to muffle the noise coming out of the mouth

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 9:55 p.m. No.22651478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1497 >>1499


>Well, you sound gay.

how do you know what gay sounds like?

lots of gay frens?

>Are you married to a guy?

i'm an XY male, my wife is an XX female

>Or does your wife look like Barbara Bush?

there ya go, showing your emotional and intellectual maturity, and your true character

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 10:02 p.m. No.22651520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1524 >>1542 >>1545


>dressing up doesn't make them sex objects…

wearing makeup and showing skin DOES

saying it doesn't won't change the fact

>as long as they dress nicely men need to learn how to control their urges.

women need to learn that men's physical NEEDS are RADICALLY different from their own

and realize that it's unwise to dangle a steak in front of a starving dog

>you think trumps wifes a ho? she wears makeup and dresses up.

she dresses conservatively and tastefully most of the time, and does not often flaunt her sexuality

but one must also take into account she's on a stage, and must play a role

women at a work-a-day job need to dress accordingly, not like they're at a singles bar

>..nvm im not arguing with u.

says the female arguing with me


Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 10:18 p.m. No.22651557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561 >>1574


tyb, for including my opine

>>22651319 (me)

i can add a couple more sound reasons why medical/pharmaceutical research absolutely NEEDS to be publically funded…

pharma has zero interest in finding cures,

even if it would lead to a patentable drug

like all drug dealers, they know the money is in the "come back"

that's why they only research "treatments" that mitigate the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause, to keep people "hooked"

and at the same time they do their utmost to suppress any research or information on alternatives

finally, with intelligently guided public funding research would be directed to the most pressing (prevalent) medical needs first

we wouldn't have gotten a "boner pill" before we got a cure for cancer

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 10:30 p.m. No.22651581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1588 >>1591


>you are saying that men lack the will power?

hold your breath

stick your head under water

when your lungs ache and your brain starts to burn with the need for oxygen

you will have some slight idea of the male need for physical release

there's an old saying…

women need a reason to have sex

men only need a place

try to keep that in mind before speaking about "will power"

respect and self-control are both two-way streets

try to keep THAT in mind before deciding on your actions

as for myself, now in my seventies my needs are somewhat attenuated

but even when we were younger, i was NEVER unfaithful to my wife, even tho i was offered "freebies" on many occasions

it's not self-control as much as self-respect and living an honorable life

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 10:45 p.m. No.22651614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Good for you. :)

>Happy for you.

thx… i'll take that as sincere

>Do you know what it is like going without for countless years?

i was 37 when we got married

do the 'rithmetic

>To me that is self control.

for me it was hard, that is to say difficult ;o)

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 10:52 p.m. No.22651629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636 >>2087


>The last thing women need to hear is that a man's urges are their problem

keep dressing like a cheap whore and acting like a cocktease to get a few free drinks, and it just might BECOME your problem

and YOU will NOT be an innocent victim, the blame will be shared equally, you self-centered sociopath

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 11:14 p.m. No.22651675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How did this become the US political system?

we let congress make laws regulating congress


at this point the simplest answer is do away with elections

then there's no justification for "campaign contributions"

any money accepted while in office is by default a bribe and treasonous

besides, we don't have enough people left with enuf intelligence to vote, anyway

make a specific list of job requirements

like every other professional job

have interested parties fill out an application which is then vetted

put qualified candidates' names in a hat and pick a new one every few years

Anonymous ID: 0de232 Feb. 24, 2025, 11:24 p.m. No.22651691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725


you are PROJECTING, you woke psychobitch slut

i've never forced myself on any woman

nor did i suggest that it was acceptable for any man to force themself on a woman

only that actions have consequences, INCLUDING YOUR actions

the convo was about males and females in general, not about you or me

you're the one who keeps trying to make it a personal attack

you're the one that seems AWFULLY triggered by the suggestion that you just might bear the slightest amount of personal responsibility for the outcome of your own actions

i'm not muslim

if it's ok for you to ask that

then it's ok if i ask you…

are you a cheap cocktease slut who likes to toy with men for you own advantage?

see… getting vulgar and personal works both ways

you're obviously not interested in a mature discussion

you're posts show you only want to vent and sperg your twisted misandristic male-hating bullshit

grow up, child