>>22651184 PB
I recall there was a single woman who would come to our house. She had a job to support herself and she would pay my mom to do alterations on her clothes.
I think she lost weight and needed her clothing taken in.
>>22651184 PB
I recall there was a single woman who would come to our house. She had a job to support herself and she would pay my mom to do alterations on her clothes.
I think she lost weight and needed her clothing taken in.
I still call the Sears Tower the Sears Tower even though it hasn't been the Sears Tower for many years.
That is a neat trick and quite entertaining.
But let's face it, would you want your daughter to dress like a slut and be a Hooter's waitress?
If you wouldn't want your own daughter doing it, why is it ok for other women to do it?
Yes. But you would have to sacrifice your first born child, then fuck a kid, and then kill that kid on vid. and be blackmailed for it for the rest of your life.
Would the 20 Billion dollars be worth your soul?
Mormonism is the Religion of Masonry.
Women don't like pervy men.
Women want to be in control of what goes on between their legs.
Women are control freaks.
You think women want to make themselves attractive because they want to be treated like a whore or because they want to be treated like a lady?
How many times have you been divorced?
The moar I learn about Jews, the moar I despise them.
It depends on the yuck factor.
I was at a bar with a woman and some weird guy said a nasty comment to her.
She turned to me and said that she wanted to leave.
Women don't want weird strangers saying nasty things to them.
Cops think that they are the only ones who should have guns.
They would rather shoot you than to ever admit that they are wrong.
Why don't you show a dick pic, faggot.
>you will have some slight idea of the male need for physical release
That's why God gave you Hannah and her sisters, you sick fuck.
The last thing women need to hear is that a man's urges are their problem.
You sound like a fucking rapist.
You are the one who wants to force himself onto a woman because of the clothes that she is wearing.
You have rapist mentality, you old sick fuck.
Go to Hooters and try to pull your shit there because the woman are scantily clad. See how far you get. Trying grabbing a cheerleader at a sporting even because she is wearing a short skirt.
Are you a Muslim?
You think women should be dressed head to toe in thick black material because it is a women's fault for seducing a man with her clothing if she doesn't?
You are a rapist in your mind even if you have never physically raped a woman.
Repent now!
If a woman is walking down the street naked, you have no right to lay a finger on her.
That's the rules.
No touching.
And what makes you think I'm a woman?
Because I treat women with respect and keep my hands off of them no matter how they are dressed?
Any woman I know does not think that way.
Women are not as interested in a man's wallet as men think they are.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Sure, there are some gold-diggers out there, but most women want moar than that.
The guys with the money think they can buy a woman and usually end up with a woman that they bought, so they think all women are that way.
Tell her that she must wait until marriage.
I don't know what kind of women you've been around.
The women that I know are not the materialistic types. They are moar the outdoorsy types. Animal lovers and nature lovers. Hippies.
Maybe you need to get away from the bars and try going to church instead.
Every US citizen over the age of 18.
Well, maybe it is in Florida or someplace warm.
The anon that I was responding to was saying that it is ok for a man to force himself onto a woman if the woman is dressed in such a way that appears slutty to him.
That is why I said he is a rapist in his mind, because his belief is that it is ok to rape a woman based on the way the woman is dressed.
His belief is that rape is ok, even if he doesn't do it himself.
Like a person who believes that it is ok to murder a person based on their appearance.
That person is a murderer in their mind because their belief is that murder is ok.
There are also lots of guys who are emotionally unstable and not emotionally disciplined.
Seems like prisons are full of them.
Well, a woman's brain is designed differently than a man's brain.
Women are basically a different person depending on which week of the month it is.
They have all of those brain hormones telling them to prepare for pregnancy or not.
They are very nice the week that they ovulate because their brain is telling them that they have to be nice if they want to get knocked up.
Then after they ovulate and aren't knocked up they get meaner and meaner until they have their period. Then it starts all over again. Like a roller coaster ride.
Men are moar like trains just steadily going clickity clack down the track. Same same every day.
So the women get a break and the guys just try to use the right towel in the bathroom so as not to piss them off during their PMS week.
Parents will do a lot of crazy things for their kids.
Why don't you try following the thread before you pipe up with your nonsense.
So I know this guy who was in Vegas on a business trip.
He had a little too much to drink at the bar of the hotel he was staying at and thought it would be a good idea to slap one of the cocktail waitresses on the butt.
He found out very quickly that that was a very bad idea.
He was told to clear his things out of his hotel room and to never return to that hotel ever again. Barred for life.
Just because a woman is dressed like a hooker doesn't mean you can touch her.
You underestimate the stupidity of Libtards.
Women get mad when their feelings get hurt so their natural reaction is vengeance.
If you hurt my feelings then I'm going to try to hurt your feelings.
And if that doesn't work then they resort to sabotage and try to break something that is important to the guy. Or hide his stuff like his pack of smokes so he can't find it and then pretend they have no idea where it could be when he is looking all over for it.
Women have lots of nasty tricks.
See, the problem is that she can push his buttons and ruin his stuff but as soon as he puts hands on her, it is all over, she has the advantage.
So guys just have to be like Teflon and let her rant and rave until she wears herself out eventually and try not to say anything that will resort in a longer rant.
Women are very verbal, so just let them get it out of their system.