Just now noticed that the moon is a spaceship. One side, is coated with debris more than the other, as if it had been driven through an asteriod field or simular. Also, the 'translunar lights' are the thrusters firing up to keep the moon in a perfect orbit. The moon was driven here. They threw us out onto the planet to breed and be raised as cattle. They've done this thousands of times to thousands of civilizations. This time we have the internet and they never thought I would survive. Now we can all be connected as one mind to stop the harvest. If I remember right, they have no emotion and are easy to delete. They steal tech and call it their own. It's slowly reassembling inside my brain what this is all about. Keep in mind, that your DNA remembers, you are the offspring of the survivors of the last harvest. You will remember. They lost control when I woke up.