Adrenochrome ingestion has always seemed related to the myth to me, but that could just be my imagination.
Nicer to have than testicular torsion.
Always brings a smile to my face to see baker namefagging with an NPC script imtating a shitposter out of spite that mouths off the deep state clowns assigned here. I wonder if there's a connection there.
>(You) get what [you] fucking deserve.
Guess what you get, ya l'il despairfag muppet.
They really thought framing a selfless man with narcissism would stick. Two years later they're still trying to. Well, Q did say these people are stupid.
Argumentum ad absurdum. The form of argument that attempts to establish a claim by showing that the opposite scenario would lead to absurdity or contradiction. In this case: Contradiction.
AEI must be running low on VPN funds to stick with one ID while despairfagging today.