Did anybody really think we would get any blackmail lists? This soon at least. How you think this shit is going as smoothly as it's seemed so far? If anything, POTUS is wielding the blackmail to his advantage because there's no way in hell these motherfuckers pretending we're all united are actually united with him or MAGA/AF. Anon just can't believe that when there's so much dirty money at stake.
Too much fructose in general can give you fatty liver, as only the liver can break it down into glucose and whatnot. That's why high fructose corn syrup is particularly fucky. Fructose on steroids.
Ha! That's for sure kek.
Oh I agree, it would be disingenuous if that's what's happening. Are they going to prosecute anybody, is the question. How is anybody determining what needs to be gatekept, what countries get to save face, etc? Fuck these assholes. No reasonable person wants war, but we should at least be fully aware that we have no true allies and why, and let that guide us going forward. But the worst need to face harsh legal penalties so future jerkoffs think twice. Fucking retards in NYC are likely ready to vote in Cuomo for mayor…did they not learn anything from his COVID bullshit??
Anon knows the feeling. It's amazing. Scary, but amazing how well the propaganda works.