Tank bakes
Seems like some kind of serious fuckin gamesmanship going up and down the motherfuckah
Maybe that.
Speaking in Jeffery, hasn't been around in months
Let us know when she drops the Epstein File.chit
Maybe the AP reporter will ask her about the Epstein Files
Do the fuckin DOGE electronic computer machines have the Epstein Files?
A unifying moment for the populace
The take away close.
Maybe the Epstein Files are in the Knox Box
Maybe a disgruntled gov employee'll hit the button
Maybe Rachael will spend a show on how Trump and Elon are hiding the Epstein Files in Russia
How does one prepare pickeral for a palatable feast?
Anything about the Epstein Files at ALL?
Surely the Shriners want the Epstein Files released ASAP.
Need that 5G refund for a 12 year old minivan, a sleeping bag and a case of chef-boy-R-D.
DOGE have the grapes to drop the Epstein Files or just piss on our leg about how millionaire pedophiles stole our money for our entire lives?
Can't read it, too smallz Epstein Files somewhere in that wall of words?
7 sets of 24
Economic terrorism is a soul sucking and unnecessary waste of humanity's time.