In an interview this year with news host Chris Salcedo, Bondi addressed the pro-Palestinian protests on US college campuses, saying, "The students who protest against our Jewish friends and support Hamas - they should be deported from our country, they are ignorant children."
broward county, israel.
A man has been charged for wearing an allegedly "offensive" anti-Israel shirt at Sydney’s popular Bondi Beach.
no matter what..tulsi has a nice butt.
>Francys Johnson
The product of a public school system that labeled him as “Special Ed” until the third grade, Francys Johnson was a pawn in an education tracking system that put him in a class where he didn’t belong. It took lawsuits to end the tracking and labeling which often identified poor or African American children as underachievers. The real lesson that he learned early on was about institutional inequality and discrimination. But, he also saw that the law could improve the condition of man.
He was raised in the church by a devoutly Christian Grandmother and Grandfather who both worked hard to provide a living for the family. Only two generations away from slavery, his grandmother took in laundry and ironing, while his grandfather was a sharecropper.
“I saw my grandparents work harder than anyone and at the end of the day have so little to show for it,” Johnson said. “Other farmers had better equipment, but African Americans couldn’t get loans. The system was built like that. I thought - someone has to rebuild it.”
Rev. Dr. Francys Johnson, Attorney at Law
>Time is irrelevant, shit just happens.
she is too busy, otherwise i would.
good question. what about dmso?
your not supposed to post on this board, anon.
minimum iq requirement is 155.
your fairly bright, but…..
i did not like choice. i do not like choice.
he may have been raped.. big break in at house when young or something.
A man dubbed “the Ramsey rapist” held 15-year-old Comey and his younger brother at gunpoint after breaking into their Allendale home on an October day in 1977, one of a string of break-ins that included the rape of two area baby sitters. The Comey brothers, locked in a bathroom while the intruder searched the home, escaped through a window, only to encounter the man again on their lawn. The brothers ran back inside the house, locked the doors and called police, setting off a massive manhunt.