Minnesota Pre-K class features book of the week about boy who wants to wear a dress.
The book, “Jacob’s New Dress,” follows a little boy who wants to wear girls’ clothes to school and makes his own dress to wear with the help of his parents.
“This heartwarming story speaks to the unique challenges faced by children who don’t identify with traditional gender roles,” a book description says.
Sarah and Ian Hoffman, the authors, have a “gender-nonconforming” child.
“Sarah and Ian Hoffman are the parents of a pink boy and a girl whose favorite color is yellow. Sarah writes for national magazines, newspapers, and radio, and speaks publicly about raising her gender-nonconforming son,” an author bio reads.
In the book, the Hoffmans write that “Jacob’s New Dress” was “born of our commitment to help parents, families, teachers, and physicians stand behind all the differently gendered little people in their lives.”
“Leave their gender identities alone and help them write their ABCs better,” the parent, who asked to remain anonymous, told Alpha News.
Eden Lake Elementary School’s principal did not respond to Alpha News’ request for comment about the book being read to the pre-K class.
President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order that could restrict federal funding for schools that promote gender ideology.
“In recent years, however, parents have witnessed schools indoctrinate their children in radical, anti-American ideologies while deliberately blocking parental oversight,” the executive order outlines. “Such an environment operates as an echo chamber, in which students are forced to accept these ideologies without question or critical examination.”
The order says that pitting children against one another based on skin color or encouraging the idea that they may have been born in the wrong body “usurps basic parental authority.”
“These practices not only erode critical thinking but also sow division, confusion, and distrust, which undermine the very foundations of personal identity and family unity,” the executive order says.