Ghislaine Maxwell will be greatly relieved to hear that
Airstrike on Brussels should do that job nicely
That explains the flurry of posts around here the last 24 hours (I seent 'em, been awake and here longer than 24) pushing for the release. Send up the wall of noise, then Filipowski can use it as ammo
No, the Epstein List, especially since it was linked to release of JFK and MLK, is the correct choice
Complete freakout about the Epstein with mere lip service at best to the democrat party heroes shows the World their priority is CYA
>then it should happen now
Absolutely not
Not the right time and those docs need a thorough going over. Remember the attempts to hide things, such as spelling Comey as "Corney"
That dude that was showing his fellow Canadians on the streets how their owners were clearly visible on their Canadian Birth Certificates, for instance Bank of Canada, would disagree with you.
>how long will it take then?
As long as it takes
Meanwhile I shall make note of those that scream the loudest and then then see if it's this coming weekend or the next (by Betting Pool) that many baddies "take the easy way out"
>are you able to confirm if it matches the list Q gave us? Or is there moar?
Apologies anon, I am unable to confirm or deny any matches. At one time there was rumor of more, but I don't waste much time on rumors
Rust Belt Steel plants and North Carolina textile mills will need restored to operation then
Thanks Klaus, embargo at will!
Cool Story Mitch
Crime Solvers replied to my tip email at 08:14 your time yesterday and asked for a bit more details if I had them. Indeed, I had found more, and provided them yesterday afternoon
I figure no further word, or video of your arrest from local tv, then likely Monday morning I make a phone call to NIS at NOB regarding you. I give them my info they can get the FBI Field Office in Norfolk to pull up their records on when they did the investigation on me to bump up my Clearance and what level was granted so they know they are talking to a Navy veteran.
Then the conversation turns tto you and your niece
Mitch may not be as untouchable as he claims
Sounds like judges need to start getting charged with Sedition
Does Lynnriver Road use regular asphalt or was that one of the places that "glassphalt" mix was used?
That's nice Mitch
Did you know Crime Solvers was nice enough to provide me with the CPS after hours 800 number?
Attention Liberals
Are you white? Do you carry guilt for events that happened over a century before you were born?
Do you wish to live a socialist way of life?
Come to the Democratic Republic of the Congo!
Here you will be truly a minority. There are many languages spoken here, but the main Official Language used for administrative and other dealings is French.
Here in the DNC you can live the Socialist Lifestyle.
Do you support electric vehicles for the World?
In the DRC we mine most of the cobalt used in those batteries
Imagine! You can mine cobalt and support the electric vehicle industry directly while sleeping under the Stars
All the while getting first hand experience in how immigrants in your native United States are feeling.
The strange languages, the strange customs, the unfamiliar weather, but with the joy of being part of a socialist country!
Come to us, Brothers and Sisters in Socialism!
Remember, the very first part of our country's name is "Democratic!"
(Experiences may vary. Not responsible for poisoning from mine run-off. Chances of Ebola have remained unchanged.)