What did her daddy do?
Prolly oil caused hyperinflation
Gawd, I can’t stand that faggot. This is the worst part of the movie for Anon. Wtf is Trump doing?
Putting Elon in charge was an ultra faggot move
elon the hero is about to be worlds first trillionaire
Wai not both
Yea, do it because elon says. Do it! Or he’ll throw another hissy fit and you’ll be sorry the likes of which you e never been sorry before.
We got kew drops!
Just think the faggot spent his hole life trying to destroy us, has eaten children, IS luciferian but he gets to walk not only free, but make a trillion dollars on top of it all, have his “blended family” which is illegal, while everyone acts like he’s a hero? Yea. No. That’s a big fuck you to us, imo. A trillion dollars ove Trump’s puny billion. Idk. I think Elon bough Trump. Don’t shoot. Look at all my post history if u want. I’m pro Trump but for me there’s a limit. This Elon shit is fucking me up pretty good. And Trump lets him do social credit score onX? Yea. No. Faggot needs to lawfully FRY. (Not arguing with u tho. Just saying this part is fucking me up.)
Then we have Kash n DNI telling their employees not to answer his email n trump says will fire anyone who doesn’t.
Elon is potus now. Idgaf how anyone tries to say he isn’t. Fuck that luciferian piece of shit. I feel betrayed.
NOBODY elected that pos. And we can’t get rid of him. We have to
Listen to him n read his posts n shit. Fuck him. What a fucking nightmare this Elon shit is.