vatty-n-cuepee don't need to be hoppin the Board Log is ded they should just let er rip maybe do a Best Of spergseries or 2.
Member pornfag, Real Swordy?
He knew how to make Q appear out of nowhere.
Almost as good as Freddy.
And baby I'm not foolin
Ok, but what's Tel Aviv's excuse for being extra gay?
>dub up the fed workforce in that area
Now, how tf could the libs be big mad about that?
An area of govt not being slashed sounds like a good thing.
I member when Lennon made that comeback album and my buddy bought it.
Nobody tol' me there'd be days like theseโฆ
Ok, not bad.
Then here comes Yoko with Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss me moar just one one one kiss will do.
I looked at him in silence and he looked at me in silence.
Never again was the subject of that album brought up.