Caps = 1472
“It’s in our DNA - speed of innovation, power of adaptability, comfortable in chaos - hallmarks of SOF since 1944,” said U.S. SOCOM Commander Gen. Bryan Fenton. SOF is tailor-made for this era.
Racist Senator's Wife BUSTED in Government GRIFT!
A couple of photographs of President Obama shaking hands with a wealthy Democrat Party donor named John Poindexter, who also owns the ranch resort where he found Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead.
Following his undergraduate education, John volunteered for the U.S. Army and for Officer Candidate School. After serving as President of his OCS class and of the Student Brigade atFort Knox, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in armor.
This guy should be dug on more.
Monica Lewinsky believes Bill Clinton should have resigned instead of ‘throwing her under the bus’
#ArcticAngels traveled to the Philippines to honor the 80th anniversary of the war in the Pacific.
The U.S. Army has transformed for nearly 250 years and it is our duty to continue. For ourselves, for our families, our friends, and our future.
NOW - NYC Mayor Adams: "This is a biblical moment… All these Negroes who are asking me to step down —God forgive them. Are you stupid?"
Obama retroactively gave his unit a citation.
In 2009, the Presidential Unit Citation was conferred on John’s Vietnam command of four decades earlier, Alpha Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. The nation’s highest decoration for a combat unit was awarded to Alpha Troop for the “truly extraordinary” rescue “against all odds” of an American infantry company that was facing certain annihilation. The granting of the decoration was commemorated in a nationally televised ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House presided over by President Barack Obama. John led the 200-man relief force, the principal element of which was Alpha Troop, which effectuated the rescue mission. A nationally released hardcover entitled Blackhorse Riders, in which John is the principal protagonist, describes the rescue mission and the White House Ceremony.
Did they rewrite history?
Bandit and Copperhead Battery of 4th Battalion, 1st Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Armored Division Artillery, demonstrate their fire power and lethality during Table VI/EW live fire.
(U.S. Army photos by Sgt. 1st Class Nash)
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