As a precaution, always use extreme hot water, and after towel drying use a coiled heater, hair dryer, or hand dryer. Crack knuckles by grabbing the base of the first flange on the side and cracking finger "side ways" by using the Cue hand symbol between the base of the flange and the first joint, and then a slight twist at base. Keep doing this as fingernails grown and then cut them for immediate relief. Exercise it out by using a 3/4 fist, by bending the last two joints closest to fingernails, then squeezing those joints together and then as far apart as you can a few times, every few hours. Peel straight fingers back after each exercise in a stretch. Without doing these exercises, cyanide in the hand can travel upwards towards the chest if you keep you hand above you when you sleep or keep your hands up for a duration. Takes time to expel, even years. Godspeed. WRWY.