Anonymous ID: 991972 Feb. 26, 2025, 7:21 a.m. No.22658990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087 >>9090 >>9099



The U.S. is facing a full-blown mortality crisis


#1 - The U.S. is facing a full-blown mortality crisis, and insurance data shows it’s worse than anyone thought.


Life expectancy in the U.S. is now worse than it was a decade ago. Josh Stirling, founder of the Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives, says mortality rates are alarmingly high, especially for younger age groups.


Why? The evidence points to the COVID-19 vaccines, says Epidemiologist Nic Hulscher. Here’s his breakdown:


Cardiac deaths up 8-36%: The largest COVID-19 vaccine safety study ever conducted (99 million vaccinated individuals) found myocarditis risk surges up to 610% post-mRNA injection. Subclinical vaccine-induced myopericarditis may trigger reentrant ventricular tachycardia or spontaneous ventricular fibrillation, leading to sudden cardiac death. Our King County, WA study and @EthicalSkeptic analysis of CDC data confirm excess sudden cardiac deaths skyrocketed after mass mRNA injection.


Neurological deaths up 16-39%: mRNA injections linked to Ischemic stroke (+44%), Hemorrhagic stroke (+50%), Transient ischemic attack (+67%), Myelitis (+165%), Myasthenia gravis (+71%), Alzheimer’s (+22.5%), Cognitive impairment (+138%), Depression (+68.3%), Anxiety disorders (+43.9%), Sleep disorders (+93.4%)—the neurological toll is undeniable.


Cancer rates up 10-50%: CDC data, peer-reviewed studies, and population-level analyses suggest COVID-19 mRNA injections are likely carcinogenic, contributing to rising cancer cases. Ethical Skeptic's analysis of CDC data shows excess cancer mortality up 9% post-mRNA rollout. Studies suggest mRNA injections may impair immune surveillance, hinder DNA repair, and accelerate tumor growth—fulfilling the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis. Case reports link the shots to aggressive cancers, including intravascular large B-cell lymphoma, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma. The surge in post-vaccine cancer cases demands urgent investigation.


“These data suggest that the mass COVID-19 mRNA injection campaign is a primary driver of the collapse in U.S. life expectancy, preventing its full recovery,” Hulscher concluded.


“Urgent intervention by the federal government is indicated to immediately remove these life-reducing injections from the market and begin steps to reverse these negative trends.”


Follow @NicHulscher for more breaking news and analysis on the COVID-19 injections.

Anonymous ID: 991972 Feb. 26, 2025, 7:43 a.m. No.22659090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>9117



Shocked to find University faculty still living in COVIDian fantasy land


I’m a scientist working in academia for 30 years, but I’m an odd ball for never drinking the koolaid & worshiping GOV.


Ive been on medical leave since before the election & returned recently for a faculty meeting thinking the faculty should be facing reality by now especially after the public mandate for MAGA/MAHA.




1) all were anxious about their NIH grant submissions and whether they would even be reviewed this cycle.


2) one said I can’t believe Trump is shutting down the IRS. How am I gonna get my tax return money back now. Another said, fuck it, I ain’t filing one, who is gonna review it? Elon?


3) the director, a neurosurgeon, declared “I just finished the FAUCI book”. For a second I got excited thinking that he was talking about RFKJrs the REAL FAUCI, but NO, he was talking about Fauci’s autobio on his twisted but white washed history over the past 50 years. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I realized in that moment, there’s no helping these people. They will sink with the institution before they wake up

Anonymous ID: 991972 Feb. 26, 2025, 8:14 a.m. No.22659246   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Romanian police haul in election front-runner Călin Georgescu for questioning



NATO not ready to give up on war 🤔