Fucking Southwest Airlines flies their planes over my house every day.
They should pay my property taxes.
Fucking Southwest Airlines flies their planes over my house every day.
They should pay my property taxes.
Money = Power & Control
They cannot let US citizens have Power & Control so they keep the average person treading water, never getting ahead.
They make up creative ways to keep people poor.
The US is a giant Slave Plantation.
The Egyptians weren't Niggers.
They were Mediterranean. Same as the Arabs.
Is this bozo claiming that Niggers are Arabic?
I'm gonna go shopping on Friday when there are no Niggers at the stores.
It will be pleasant.
No one wants to have sex with transgenders.
They are gross with their fake vag holes that are really just a smelly surgically created fistula.
Useful idiots.
The Muslims have taken over Europe.
The Muslim religion was created to Combat Christianity.
Why do they always have these interviews out on the front lawn where there is always a vehicle backing up making a beeping sound?
wikileaks had her communications with Huma about sacrificing "chickens."
Even if Frazzledrip was fake, the sacrifices were real.
The P isn't silent, it is pronounced like an F.
Otherwise we would pronounce it as "harma" which would actually be accurate as it causes "harm."