Anonymous ID: cf570c Feb. 26, 2025, 8:22 a.m. No.22659286   🗄️.is 🔗kun

An Open Letter to Elon Musk:

I grew up inside the Beltway, and still live inside the Beltway. Today, the people you’re firing and intimidating are the people I grew up with. They are my friends, family members, and neighbors. I’ve known them my whole life. I’ve been to their homes, and they’ve been to mine. We’ve celebrated birthdays and holidays together, rejoiced and suffered together.

The people you are firing are my literal and emotional family. So as I see the havoc you’re wreaking by taking a "wrecking ball" to their livelihoods, I have only one thing to say to you: thank you.

We all know which of our friends and family members are lazy, which are corrupt, and which are hard working. My laziest friends and family members work for the government. My most corrupt friends and family members get government contracts. The best thing you could do for America is fire all of them.

When Federal workers talk about losing their dream jobs because of you, many are telling the truth. The dream job of every lazy is to do nothing. Many of them have found that exact job in the Federal government. Fire them and cut taxes; we have nothing to lose but parasites.

Elon, this isn’t Silicon Valley, where you have a mix of really skilled engineers and medium skilled engineers. In the Federal government, you have lazies, corrupt lazies, and idiots. You won’t accidentally fire the wrong person, or lose out on some cleverness. There are no people here worth keeping.

I know people have said you’ve taken a wrecking ball to the Federal government, but from where I’m standing, it’s more like a ping pong ball. All the lazies and idiots in my family and friend circle? They all still have their jobs. They aren’t even slightly worried. What you’ve done so far might be dramatic in California, but you’ve barely scratched the surface here in DC. Please, fire faster. Fire more. Fire everyone, until you’ve managed to fire all of my laziest friends and laziest family members. Right now you aren’t even close to firing any of them.

So far, you’ve brought a Boring Company flamethrower to a nuclear war. It’s much more than anyone else has brought, but it’s not nearly enough. You’re fighting firearms and steel with wooden sticks. My lazy and corrupt family members are in nuclear proof bunkers, and you’re throwing pebbles at them.

What about Federal contractors? A whole new level of corrupt laziness. Guys getting contracts in their wives names for DEI preference is standard, and that barely scratches the surface. These contractors have no skills other than the skill of getting contracts. They aren’t the people you want doing anything of importance, or anything at all. And it’s generational corruption. Federal contractor parents teach their kids nothing at all, except how to get federal contracts. The dumbest young adults you can imagine are getting huge Department of Education contracts. You don’t want these people anywhere near education; they barely have educations themselves.

These lazy idiots are still getting contracts, by the way. You haven’t made a dent yet. You haven’t slowed them down at all. Those who know how to work the system are still working the system.

Given the staggering number of people working for the Federal government, some tiny number are non-useless. The best thing you can do for them: fire them. These people with so much potential greatness can only achieve that greatness outside of the soul-destoying prison of federal work. They cling to those jobs out of fear; getting rid of that voluntary prison by firing them is the kindest thing you can do.

Elon, even if you fire everyone you can, you won’t even be halfway there. The lazies I spoke of earlier are almost all “essential employees,” although there’s nothing essential, or even useful, about what they supposedly do.

I ask you only one thing: please don’t believe the media’s hype about what you’re doing. We need a wrecking ball, but you have a long way to go before you’re even close to wrecking ball territory. The gentle firings of Silicon Valley won’t be enough here. Put another way: if you fire one person a minute, it will take you a decade to get through the do-nothing federal workers and corrupt contractors.

Fire federal workers and cancel government contracts as fast and brutally as you can, and you might make a tiny dent. You’ll need every ounce of speed and brutality you can muster, and then some, to get rid of even a tenth of the useless parasites in Federal jobs.

Thank you for what you’ve done so far. There are millions more federal employees to fire and contracts to cancel. Let’s turn that ping pong ball into a real wrecking ball.


Arvin Vohra