Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 11:43 a.m. No.22660416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0603 >>0825 >>0953 >>1002 >>1072

>>22659250 Making America Healthy Again: Trump Announces Actions to Make Healthcare Prices TransparentPNP


PDJT said thesame thing in Aug. 6, 2020 speech of Whirlpool plant. Remember the middlemen that took him out in 2020 election? He now has allies.



Aug. 6, 2020 PDJT Speech at Whirlpool

My third promise is to build on these gains to turn America into the premier medical manufacturer, pharmacy, and drugstore of the world. (Applause.)


As we’ve seen in this pandemic, the United States must produce essential equipment, supplies, and pharmaceuticals for ourselves.We cannot rely on China and other nations(the middle men?) across the globe that could one day deny us products in a time of need. We can’t do it. We can’t do it. We have to be smart.


And speaking of pharmaceuticals, we instituted four moves — rebates, favored nations, and other things — buying from other nations where they have the product — the same exact pill, identical; made in the same factory — for a fraction — just a small fraction of the cost. We buy from other countries, as opposed to buying through this ridiculous quagmire of political scam that we’ve been going through for many years.


And what I’ve done, in terms of favored nations, if — as an example, Germany has a pill for 10 cents and we have a pill for $2. We institute favored nations on the drug company. We get the pill for the same amount as the lowest pill anywhere in the world. Anywhere in the world. (Applause.) And that could drop your price of pharmaceuticals, of drugs — prescription drugs — it could drop your price 50, 60, 70 percent, maybe more than that.


This is something — now, I have to tell you,I have never seen so many bad commercials about me as in the last three days since I did this. (Laughter.) So, will you remember that when you see this horrible commercial that I’m a “socialist” — I was called a “socialist” for the first time in my entire life. (Laughter.) Actually, what I am doing is I’m using socialist countries, who are buying our product for far less than we’re allowed to — I’m saying, “Well, if you’re going to sell it to this country…” — might be socialist — “…for a lower price, then we’re going to get that same price.” So, you know.


But I have been called everything in the book. And I say — I said, the other day, “Whenever you see a drug company advertising that Donald Trump is a bad guy, remember:Your drug prices must be coming downvery big. Very big.” (Applause.)

So please remember that.


Please remember that, becauseI don’t want to get all those negative votes, and then Biden wins, and they try — the first month, he’ll say, “I dropped drug prices 78 percent.” (And they did exactly that) And he won’t even know what the hell he’s saying. (Laughter and applause.) I don’t want to be watching that from some beautiful resort someplace in the world. I could have — oh, I had had such a beautiful life before I did this. But that’s okay because we’re doing a great job and — (applause) — it makes me very happy to see people being properly representative — represented for a change.


But during the course of thenext four years, we will bring our pharmaceutical and medical supply chains home. (He planned for four years at Mar A Lago, how to do this, bring in manufacturing.) We’re going to bring them home where they belong. And we’ll end reliance on China, just like we did with the washers and dryers, just like we did with many other things.


We’ll be making our product here safely, beautifully, and inexpensively.

We’re reasserting American economic independence. And I’ve been doing that from the first day I came into office. To this end,a short time ago, I signed the new executive order to ensure that when it comes to essential medicines, we buy American. (Applause.)


The executive order will require that U.S. government agencies purchase all essential medicines that we need from American sources. The executive order will also sweep away unnecessary regulatory barriers to domestic pharmaceutical production and support advanced manufacturing processes that will keep our drug prices low and allow American companies to compete on the world stage. We’ll be able to compete on the world stage,but we’re now going to have the lowest prices, as opposed to, by far, the highest prices.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 12:14 p.m. No.22660595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0603 >>0669 >>0825 >>0953 >>1002 >>1072



I have people that I know that go to Canada — they go to Canada to buy drugs. To buy prescription drugs, they go there because the price is so much lower than the United States. And yet, it’s made by the same company, often in the same plant. It’s a disgrace. And the politicians allowed this to happen for many, many decades.


(read closely this page, it's important and ps this whole speech seems to be prophecy to me, he told us the future of four years, and what would happen.)


You have people called “middlemen.” I don’t know who the middlemen are. I don’t know–. They never say “middlewomen,” so they’re politically not correct. (Laughter.)


But I’ve heard the term “middlemen” for a long time. They are so wealthy. They are so wealthy. '

Nobody has any ideawho the hell they are or what they do***. They make more money than the drug companies. You know, in all fairness, at least the drug companies have to produce a product, and it has to be good product.


But the middlemen — well,the rebate that I’m doing cuts out the middlemen, and it reduces costs, and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs.


So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I’m doing. But I figurewe have one chanceto do it, and no other President is going to do what I do. No other President would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations at much less cost. Nobody.


And there are a lot of unhappy people, and they’re very rich people, and they’re very unhappy.


Here’s my fourth promise to American workers: Beyond our medical supply chains, over the next four years, we will onshore millions of new manufacturing jobs across many other critical sectors that are vital to our national security and prosperity — from electronics to machine tools, to shipping, aerospace, autos, and, of course, to iron and to steel. And we’ll never forget your washers and dryers. Okay?


During eight years of the last administration — (applause) — and, by the way, I have to just tell you this little story. A couple of little stories if you don’t mind. Do you mind?


Please remember that, because I don’t want to get all those negative votes, and then Biden wins, and they'll try — the first month,he’ll say, “I dropped drug prices 78 percent.” (And they did exactly that)

And he won’t even know what the hell he’s saying. (Laughter and applause.) I don’t want to be watching that from some beautiful resort someplace in the world. I could have — oh, I had had such a beautiful life before I did this. But that’s okay because we’re doing a great job and — (applause) —it makes me very happy to see people being properly representative— represented for a change”.


I personally believe this whole speech was either prophecy, or T’s team knew what had to happen. In the four years out of office, did they find out who the middlemen were?


***I think I know the middlemen or a portion of the middlemen. Remember when Trump came out defending Drug Companies, they don't make as much money then we think. Then we find out that Insurance companies are making what was it, 800% more than drug companies? Then we found out months or years ago, that Insurance companies are buying up all the pharmacies? If true no wonder the UHC President was shot.But it's way much bigger than that. Do the Middlemen own and run Insurance companies that absorb all industries related to it? Yes, I think that's true. (This practice would be anti trust prosecutions if it wasn't insurance)


I've been an medical, etc. insurance broker for 28 years, there's obvious patterns that link a lot together. Insurance companies are monopolies buying up every industry company that is related to health insurance. So the pharmacy they buy, they actually take the profit from them, it doesn't stay with the pharmacy chain.


Tucker Carlson has this guy on months ago, about the Insurance Industry and he revealed all con, scams, stealing, etcsee attached. Mindblowing


Brigham Buhler: UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassination, & the Mass Monetization of Chronic Illness

An unhealthy, over-medicated country means record profits for insurance companies. Brigham Buhler explains how they work to keep us sick and monetize chronic illness.

(it's long but really worth it)



Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 12:48 p.m. No.22660764   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've thought about that many times, King Cyrus type of leader. It's completely amazing how comfortable talking to massive crowds, his personality was formed by God, not to let anything bother him. God told him he would get the worst from Evil Mankind. God asked, will you do it?


Trump answered: Send Me Father!


That's all I can surmise.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:10 p.m. No.22660879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0887 >>0900 >>0909


Hmmm, not sure why the speech but ok.


It's just a board rule, that anything notabled must have sauce in the event anons want to dig on it more, or other reasons.


It's like posting a title of the article, and the link but no info on the subject. Titles don't necessarily tell the subject, they are used by writers to pull people in to read the article.


Plus it's annoying when an anon clicks on links to see in the info, but then you have to jump off the board. Even including two paragraphs would solve that inconvenience

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:15 p.m. No.22660896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0902


Those comments are not long here anons, they just jump around to insult and try to get a rise. They are typically not interesting and maybe don't post anything of interest. so their job is to bitch.


Typically will not engage in a dig when asked. That's the only thing I can think.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:20 p.m. No.22660914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0929


when I got here in 2018, I got taught by old anons and autists. Some were very kind because I was new, others not so much. But I appreciated knowing the minimal rules for posting.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:26 p.m. No.22660943   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thx, my greatest gift gets me in trouble I think for myself and get a lot of criticism for it, one of the reasons I came here, to be a little bit accepted. And it's a lot more fun. The research got me hooked, the anons tossed me around but I got used to it.


It's all good.


I guess I missed the "control thought on the bread". I guess my thought is running in different directions and I don't feel or see it. That's not to say it doesn't exist.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:31 p.m. No.22660970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's a liberal, he'll start crying if Trump punches him. Starmer is pathetically stupid. really. Anyone coming in the WH to be disrespectful, will get 10x more back.


Hey, it will be great to see Trump shake his hand, I wonder if he can keep a straight face like Macron.

Anonymous ID: 0f2b04 Feb. 26, 2025, 1:41 p.m. No.22661029   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The idiots admitting that can be easily identified, these are supposed to be secretive. And they think they can ruin Trump. By announcing and Tulsi, Kash and Elon reading all their communications, they'll find them quickly.