Does not matter,,we all goñna get nuked soon,, Russia is not going to give the donbass to zelenski
I advise Putin to put his nuclear force on red alert.
I actually find some with ADHD are just stupid fuckwits,that post cats
So Americans have been in Ukraine since day 1,Europe and u.s.a have sent billions of currency and Russia is and did still take land,,,so why would Putin give land bank to zelenski?
Not buffy,, omg,,sad now
Oxygen is not a mineral
It does not say oxygen is a mineral. >>22660686
You said oxygen is a mineral and then posted that as proof .and it clearly states microbes produce oxygen,, so it is you who are retarded ,oxygen is not a mineral ,,you complete fuckwit,, suggest you go back and research ..
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I just see it differently than you, I think like we have under ground rivers and underground caves that travel deep in the earths core , that the underground cave systems and fissures are where the oxygen comes from…
I was just saying oxygen is not a mineral,, I'm not the anon you where arguing with,, I just read your long post with a wall of minerals,, and oxygen jumped straight into my autistic brain as not a mineral
This is a link proving stem cells rejuvenate the old
Vampires exist…
Vampires really do exist,,the rothchilds,pope,elites,Obama know this ,, I advise you to read the article…
I fucking told you vampires really do exist,,,
I fucking told you vampires really do exist…
Your to old they like them young