The mission commander on 9/11, he sat in a F/16 for 30 minutes over DC watching a hijacked airplane hit the Pentagon.
He didn't what?
You should check the timelines, he was the Mission Commander of the F/16's that have a 15 minute spool up time and they knew Flight 77 was hijacked for close to 45 minutes before impact and this all happened after the WTCs were hit.
Yes, but based on the official narrative this is what you would need to be discussing with normies.
I'm aware it wasn't an airplane, there is still an insane story based on the official narrative.
If you tell them the speculative truth they'll immediately dismiss you as a conspiracy theorist, if you talk about the insane official narrative on stage right now they might ask WTF.
No, the official narrative is he sat in his airplane as mission commander over DC for 30 minutes after the twin towers were hit watching flight 77 beeline towards DC knowing it was hijacked, that's fucking insane.
>Now, in the distance over the tree lines, you could see the acrid black smoke of the Pentagon burning.
>We jumped in the airplanes and started them up. As my plane came to life, the generators came on-line, and the radios were going ballistic. People on the emergency channels were saying, โAnybody around Washington, D.C. will be shot down.โ I remembered thinking to myself, โWait. Thatโs me that will be shooting.โ
That timeline is going to be something to look at on disclosure day, I hadn't seen this and had assumed he was up in the air after 15 minutes which would be the rapid response time. Kind of fucking insane if they were sitting in fucking meetings for a fucking hour after the WTC was fucking hit and the FAA knew flight 77 was hijacked.
You'd have to be mentally fucking retarded to take a vaccine today.