ADHD is not a disorder, it is a gift.
It is the ability to hyperfocus on something that a person finds interesting and to completely ignore things that a person finds boring.
It's not that someone isn't paying attention, it's that someone isn't paying attention to what someone else wants them to pay attention to.
It is a side effect from vaccines that they weren't counting on.
The ADHD kids turned out to be the people who had a resistance to the Programming.
Not being able to sit still in a classroom where a teacher tries to push bullshit down kid's throats.
They just call it a disorder so that they can get people to take drugs to stop it.
People with ADHD have bullshit meters that tell them to resist the Programming and to not give a fuck.
Their kneejerk reaction is, "I ain't doing that."
Like, I ain't wearing no fucking mask.
If the teacher is talking about birds, then they want the kids to be interested in birds.
But if the teacher is talking about math, God forbid that a child is looking out of the window at the birds.