This is a great visualization fren.
This anon thanks you for the "puzzle piece".
(picrel no homo)
This is a great visualization fren.
This anon thanks you for the "puzzle piece".
(picrel no homo)
(guys,โฆโฆcould use a little help,โฆ..the Giorgia Meloni sessions took a lot out of me)
(Wou,โฆ..) Hmmmm,โฆ.I'm gonna need to see some proof of Vag from this one.
(you guys wouldn't pull another Troon In The Woodpile on me again, would you?
Pedo Mitchy's posts are faaaaaaadddddiiiinnnng away>
The Hulkster is deleting your posts, Mitchy.
ืืฉืจ ืืืื (WOULD)
Hmmmmmm,โฆโฆ.has Vag (check),โฆโฆโฆ.evidence of Chesticles (check),โฆโฆโฆ.
Why yes,โฆanon,โฆ..I think I will,โฆ
(what the hell,โฆPortas need love too)
A very merry kosher circumcised
(I might need some recovery time from this one,โฆ.)
"What is a spell?"
Mass formation Psychosis attempt.
Go easy on anon, fren. It's lonely here in outer Kekistan. I've been here since 2017 herding the frog army.
The old willy gets hard when the wind blows.
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
You bastards got me AGAIN!!!
(Shit, I could of sworn that was a vagene)
Holy shit, I almost missed this one,โฆ
Not sauce,โฆ.just random bloviating Mitchisms and sock-puppetry.
Riddle me this oh enlightened one:
What is a person's syntax?
Can a cryptolinguist or CME read an anonymous post, compare it with another,โฆ..and detect similar orogeny?
(Even with phrasing modification?)
(fuckin' amateur)